Playing in the sandbox is one of her favorite things. She loves sifting the sand and all sorts of things.
Feeding the chickens is another favorite:

We've even made and eaten spiders!!!!
Yeah - that one needed a nose according to :O)

One morning she informed her Daddy that HE was going to Grammies and she was going to work to work on putters. lol - he needed rest is what she said. So we began to do "work" at Grammies so she would feel like she was working too. Our work was fun work though- all sorts of painting, art projects and such. There are a lot of great ideas on the internet.
The week or so before SweetPea came to stay with her Daddy - I spend some time gathering some ideas on the internet and put the ideas in a folder - well when I was looking for some ideas to do - I discovered all those links disappeared. I am hoping to find the page again - because it had LOTS of great ideas and I want to be able to look through it again and plan more activist. She went with her Mom last night but will be back next week - and I want to plan a lot more fun activities.
It's funny - while I was gather the ideas and such - I had posted on Facebook about getting stuff together to do "school" with my granddaughter and a friend of mine who has 3 young kids - really reacted to it in a way I was surprised about. She said summer is for fun kids should not have to do school work during the summer. Well let me tell you this - my sweet granddaughter has plenty of time for play and "school" and LOVES them both. She LOVED the activities that we do. And it breaks up the day and makes it less grueling on either one of us. If she starts getting bored - then we move on to free play. I think young kinds love to do activities, experiments, learning activities - even during the summer. If you made it fun - they love it. And it helps them out too. I wish my friend would reconsider - it would make the summer with her kiddos more fun instead of frustrating- which it seems to be for her.
Anyway ALL of that to say that I have not gotten my Bible Marking lesson for today - typed out - I will do it this afternoon - so stay tuned. I hope you all have a great day! If we can make it through this HOT day - 102 high today - it looks like we have a chance for a few cooler days- like highs in the upper 80's and 90's- with a little rain chance for several days in a row- and trust me we NEED rain. Please pray we get some - our yard is cracked up and needs rain.
She is a real sweety.