Ok - Just a quick update. My husband was released from the hospital at about 2:15pm today. The Dr. did come in and talk a bit more with the Mr. and said that one of his arteries or veins was narrow - not sure from what - maybe a birth defect. Anyway so that is one reason why the blood flow was not like it should be. So he is going to have him take an 81mg aspirin every day. And he said that should help the blood flow better.
Before we left the hospital a nurse came in and told us that the Mr. can not drive for at least 5 days, no lifting over 10 pounds and he needed to take off work for the week to recoup. Apparently if you over do it after this procedure you are in danger of the plug that they put in coming out and bleeding to death in about 4 minutes. We could not even get an ambulance to our house in 4 minutes. That is scary stuff. So my husband will be watching TV and playing games on his computer for the next week till he is recovered from all the testing that was done.
Well that is about it. It is good to be home. Today the temps have gotten up to about 90 degrees. And we finally shut down the house this afternoon and turned the AC on. But tonight the temps are suppose to go down to 66 and then tomorrow I don't think it will get any warmer and then go down into the 50's at night. Wow! I am a-ok with that. The longer we have some cool weather around here the longer I can keep the house opened up and get fresh air and not only that but - then it will help us get through summer. Let me tell you - after a while the hot weather can really start to grate on your nerves. So I will enjoy the cooler temps as long as I possibly can.

So glad Jason is home now. Will keep him in prayers for recovery. You too! I know how stressful and draining it can be when a loved one is in the hospital....