Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Think I May Have Finally Gotten IT

There has been a concept that a been very hard for me to get. This concept is very important for every Christian to understand and that is the Love of God! It is very important to believe that God loves Us.

I think that the reason that I have had a hard time understanding God's Love for me is because I have not really had unconditional love. Now I got a little closer to understanding this love after my granddaughter was born. The first time that I held her - I knew that I would love her forever and that there was nothing that could change my mind. Now I am sure that I had this same kind of love for my boys - but it did not register with me in this way - at that time. I had a pretty hard time having my babies.

Anyway today I was listening to Family Life Today. The title of the program was Embracing Adoption. And as the story was told of adopting two little boys was told - they interweaved some Biblical principles. As they were telling this story - I finally understood God's love for us. I would encourage any of you that have had questions of God's love for you - to go to the link above and listen. May you be blessed as I was. :o)

I was just vacuuming my house - getting ready to clean the carpets. As I vacuumed I thought that I probably should have shared a bit more - since there will be those that will not choose to click on the link and listen to the program. So here goes - God has chosen us - just as if He were to go into an orphanage and picked us out. He want to takes us home - to a much better home - but all we have ever known is this horrible orphanage(sinful world.) We don't understand that what God has to offer us is so far beyond what we could ever even imagine. I am so thankful to have been chosen and I look forward to going home with my Father. A love like that - that would chose me and want to take me out of the situation that I am in - that is a love I want. :o)

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