One of my other favorite things about the newspaper is the comics - well one in particular~ The Lockhorns. If I don't read any other comic I will at least read theirs each week. There is some funny stuff there.
This morning after I read the comics, I was thinking about how sad it is that many marriages look like that. Smarty little comments made back and forth - many times not just in fun but to really hurt the other person. And that does damage to a person. Those comments that seem so innocent - they can be very hurtful.
If we want to have the marriages that God intended us to have we need to learn to be kinder to one another to love and respect each other just as we are directed in the Bible to do. Not only will we be happier but our spouse will be happier as well. This will make happier homes. And just think how awesome that would be - happy homes. Because happy homes =a lower divorce rate and a lower divorce rate = happier, more secure children and then adults. With just one simple change - being kind to one another. Wow! I know it is not that simple but with God's help we can make the changes and trust God to make the changes that are needed in our spouses. What a simple concept. :o)
(by the way - these comics shown are not particularly my favorites but I wanted to share a couple of them.)
Very true..Lisa!