Monday, September 6, 2010

Another thing I really like about blogging

I have only been blogging for about six months now. This morning I was thinking how it is kind of funny that there are a lot of times that I share more of what is on my heart on this blog than I do on a one and one basis. Maybe many of you have found that to be true. So I started thinking why is that? Well I think for me one of the best things about blogging is that you can blog about what ever you want to and get it off your chest/shoulders/ back -where ever you have been carrying your feelings. lol Anyway what I have found in my own life is that not everyone wants to hear what you have to say. So as you share your thoughts they interrupt and move on to another subject before you have a chance to even really share your thoughts. And that is fine - I know that there are times other people have been telling me things and I am not interested in what it is they are saying. So I can understand that not everyone will be interested in what I have to say. So that leads me to this blog - I love the fact that I can share what is on my heart or what I feel God is leading me to share - and you the reader have the right to come and read if you are interested and if not then move along to some other blog where there is something of interest to you. No ones feelings are hurt and no one has wasted any time doing what they really don't want to do. Anyway - that is what I think is so great about blogs. I mean seriously - there are millions of blogs out there and SO many great bloggers that have so many talents to share. I don't feel like I fit under that heading at all but I am so grateful that I have the chance to come and to share and if it helps someone else or brightens your day or makes you think - then that is wonderful!

Ok - So I hope you all are having a fantastic Labor Day week end! We really have. I have been having like a headache the last couple of days - don't know what has been causing it. I am hoping it will go away soon. We have been getting odds and end type jobs done around here - not as many and I would really like but sometimes you just need some down time. Hope you all have had a great week end! :O)


  1. I truly appreciate your blog..Like you said you share from your heart. You are sincere and honest...(: I know what you mean about others not being interested..I am learning that it's ok and leave it at that. Being of the sensitive type I just need to not take it seriously..and lighten! Have a blessed day!

  2. Thanks :O) Honesty and openness were things that really attracted me to blogs so that is why I am trying to be that way as well. It is so much easier to just be me than to try to be someone else.
    Enjoy your day!
    Lisa :O)

  3. You put it very well about what the attraction is in having a personal blog.

    Sometimes there are things I want to write about but I don't because family and friends read it. They are things that are really personal - like how it felt like to deal with potential lung cancer. I can't write about those things because then they'll want to talk with me about it and I just can't.

    Crazy to think that I could share it with the world, but not family, isn't it?

    About the headache: we live in north Texas and I've been waking up with headaches the past few days. I wonder if it's the barometric pressure or something to do with the weather?


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

35: Do Not Eat the Bread of Idleness