Monday, August 23, 2010

Not Complaining...Just Stating a Fact

This morning I "liked" and then shared info about a True Woman '10 on Facebook- trying to win a ticket to go. Here are some links if you would like to get information about this conference.

(by the way if you get the chance - read the True Woman Manifesto)

So now I will get daily messages from them, which I think is awesome. But look at the one that I got today!!!?

"...prescription for contentment: Never allow yourself to complain about anything--not even the weather. Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else. Never compare your lot with another's. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise. Never dwell on tomorrow--remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours." --Linda Dillow, "Calm My Anxious Heart"

Now although I think that these are VERY wise words I just don't know if I can follow the first "Never." Why? Because I live in Texas - and today was the hottest day of the year- not only that but the hottest day in 2 years. 22 of the 23 days of August have been 100 or above. And this year - 29 days of triple digit weather. It is hard not to complain when it is SO hot and it has been SO hot this month. So maybe we can look at it as I am stating a fact - not complaining when I say it is HOT. What do you think?
Well last week I got some good news!! I went to see the eye Dr. and I get to go at least one more year without bifocals!! The Drs. have talked about it for the last 2 years so I was just figuring that this would be the year. I am SO excited about not having to get them so far.

While I was there I had a special test run - where they take a photo of your eye and can look and see if you have medical problems - I think hypertension, diabetes, and mac..degenerative disease. And the Dr said that my eyes look good! I had been a bit worried because I am sensitive to bright lights. And fabrics with gingham and polka dots - they make me dizzy to look at them. So I was kind of worried. I have no idea why I am so sensitive to this stuff now. It has not always been the case.

I should get my new glasses and contacts sometime this week!
I did not get my Block of the Month block made last night. I will try to work on it one day this week.

I hope you all have had a good day! :o)


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I am with you. It has been so hot here for over a month. I am so ready for cool weather.

  2. Your title says exactly what Joyce Meyer said a few days ago. There is complaining, and then there is just stating facts. And there is a difference.

    Like, it's one thing to say, "We had 102 hot degrees today."

    But it's a whole other thing to say, "Good grief. It was 102 degrees again today and I think I'm gonna die cuz I just hate this heat so much and it makes me so sick and if it doesn't go away I don't know what I will do.Why is it always so hot? I can't stand it. I just can't stand it."

    Heh. So yes, there is stating facts and then there is complaining. :)

    Have a cooler day today! Blessings, Debra

  3. Oh Lisa!

    I'm so sorry about the weather there! I think it's a great thing to be careful about complaining--but at the same time, I know that sometimes sharing what is hard helps make the burden lighter. If it helps any, it has also been unusually warm here this summer. Not as high as you guys, but still more days of high heat here than we usually have. But today it has finally started to feel a tiny bit cool first thing in the morning--so maybe it's heading your way! Should be there in two days! :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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