Friday, August 13, 2010

Feeling Pensive...

Well this sure has been a busy week for us. And several things have happened that have put me into a mood that is more pensive. I am not quite sure what my problem is. I ended up having to work the grill with my MIL because my nephew's wife's cousin died in an accident. And I really do not like cooking french fries and such. Just not what I enjoy doing. So the extra work and especially doing something that is not my favorite thing to do. And it did not help that today when I made an Apple Cake, that I totally messed up the recipe because I put 1 1/2 T. instead of 1 1/2 tsp. of something in it. Now I get to make another one. I had been so excited because I was able to make it at the store and so I would not have to heat my house up - but now - I get to heat my house up. Oh boy - it is, of course, in the 100's again today. In fact, we are breaking records of days in a row of triple digit temps. And what is sad is that we will be like this at least a couple more days. And by that time we could have weather change and continue to be this hot. Anyway sorry for complaining about that.

I think another thing that has me down today is that tomorrow we will be going to Oklahoma City for my Uncle's Memorial. This will be the first time that I have been there since my Grandmother passed away in August of 2000- that was a quick trip. We were fixing to be moving to out present home. And my husband had taken that a couple of days off - then my Grandmother passed away - we drove the 3 1/2 - 4 hour trip up there for the service, visited with the family a bit and had to drive back - that same day. We had to - we had to get our moving truck loaded. We had to be out of the house the very next day. What a stressful time.

On this visit, we will be going past where my Grandma and Grandpa lived for so many years. All the great memories of the family get togethers for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This time however, it is no longer in the family. In fact, I don't think anyone is living there - we think that there was some water damage done to it. But anyway, I think that has me sad.

There are, of course, some other things going on that I really don't want to share here. I try to be as honest and open as I can. I think that is one of the best things I can do for myself. For too long, I tried to be a people pleaser and now I am trying to be me. I am the type person that - what you see is what you get.

Well I am sorry that this post will not be very encouraging or uplifting. I really want to be someone who is uplifting but just don't have it in me. I have been studying about Peace this week and will be writing a post on it. I think it will be quiet interesting. I have learns some things as I have been studying. I think it is awesome what gems we can find in the Bible when we take the time to look. Thanks for letting me share how I am feeling. I think this has helped a lot. Now to get that Apple Cake cooked! :O)


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I so understand. I have been having a rough time staying up too. It will get better.

  2. Tomorrows a new day..Lisa. I appreciate your honesty and I too am what you see is what you get..kind of person. That makes us genuine. God Bless you friend.

  3. Hi Lisa!

    Sometimes we just have to say that we are down. Then your friends can help lift you up in prayer. That's what we are here for. Praying for God to be especially near to you and Jason today, and for you to FEEL His Holiness and Strength. Lean on Him. He can carry you through. Remember that you are very much loved.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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