Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Shock and Awe

 The 22nd of February was the completion of month number two since that day I decided I had to change my life and praise the Lord I am still very happy and shocked at where God has led. I had felt like I needed to make changes and very slowly God led in me learning different health nuggets needed along the way so I could make good choices of how best to take care of me. Sadly, there is a whole LOT of error when it comes to what is best when it comes to our health.  And I am happy that God has helped me navigate through all the lies and misconceptions to truth. Two months in and I am so happy that God led me here. 

I have lost 22 pounds as of my 2-month mark. Remember at the very beginning there is water weight to lose. I don't expect to have lost 22 pounds in 2 more months. I am losing about a pound or so - give or take per week and I am very happy with this added bonus on way to better health. 

I am honestly still so shocked at the direction God has led me and that He gave me the peace to follow without arguing or whining. One of the biggest things that has surprised me is giving up chocolate. Yesterday I was looking in a little book that I had written some helpful quotes and such about health and found 2 things I had learned about chocolate last year. I may have shared it with you guy then, but it is worth sharing again. 

What chocolate does to the body: 

* Slows down digestion 

*Chocolate and sugar contribute to osteoporosis 

I am sure there are more things, but these are things I learned and had written down. 

Anyway, I just wanted to hop on here while I had a chance and give a bit of an update. 
Be watching for a YouTube video I plan to share on Thursday. It is a Tedtalk given by a Dr that had a health seminar that I attended years ago - probably about 2011 area. There is some great information in the little bit less than 20-minute video. Well worth your time. Hopefully I can get some more blog posts set up to share by then about things I am learning on this journey I am on. 

I can't wait to see where I am in another 2 months! 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)