Friday, March 7, 2025

Benefits of....Rest

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives.


Prescribed dose:

A healthy adult requires at least 8 hours of sleep. Children, the elderly, and those who are ill need more sleep.

Additional recommendations:

Sleep is necessary for growth, healing and repair. The body is like a clock and requires regular sleep hours. Sleep with a window cracked in your bedroom to provide fresh circulation of air throughout the room as you sleep. Don't sleep with food on your stomach. Get to bed early because deep sleep happens from 9pm - midnight. The hours of sleep gained before midnight are worth double of the hours after midnight. Wear comfortable clothing when sleeping. Relax your mind and put away disturbing thoughts before attempting to fall asleep. Operating a car when tired is just as dangerous as drinking and driving.


  • Refreshes and restores exhausted energy.
  • Body repairs itself when you are asleep.
  • Mental clarity and alertness.
  • Better daytime performance.
  • Stronger immune system. The body makes antibodies when you are asleep.
  • Better able to resist colds and flu
  • Sleep helps the body fight infection.
  • Makes your skin healthy and look fresh.
  • Sleep helps us conserve energy.
  • Cheerful disposition.

Possible side effects:

The body needs a balance of rest and activity. Too much sleep would not be productive.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Benefits of...Water

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives.


Prescribed Dose:

A healthy adult should drink 8-10 glasses of pure soft water daily. Bathe daily to remove impurities from the skin.

Additional recommendations:

The body is 70% water, and all organs and bodily functions require water to properly function. Water should be taken throughout the day and not all at one time. Drink plenty of water during hot seasons to avoid dehydration. Avoid alcohol drinks, soft drinks, coffee, tea (with caffeine), sugar based drinks, etc. Herbal teas and 100% fruit or vegetable juices are fine in moderation, but are never to replace water. Drinking cold beverages with meals temporarily hinders digestion of food.


  • Water is a cleansing agent that cleanses internally and externally.
  • Regulates body temperature.
  • Aids in weight loss.
  • Increasing water consumption lessens the work load of the kidneys.
  • Relieves bowel constipation.
  • Assist in digestion.
  • A warm bath sooths the nerves and relaxes the muscles.
  • All moving body parts are lubricated with water.
  • Purifies the blood. 

Possible Side Effects:

Drinking too much water at one time can make the stomach too full causing discomfort.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Shock and Awe

 The 22nd of February was the completion of month number two since that day I decided I had to change my life and praise the Lord I am still very happy and shocked at where God has led. I had felt like I needed to make changes and very slowly God led in me learning different health nuggets needed along the way so I could make good choices of how best to take care of me. Sadly, there is a whole LOT of error when it comes to what is best when it comes to our health.  And I am happy that God has helped me navigate through all the lies and misconceptions to truth. Two months in and I am so happy that God led me here. 

I have lost 22 pounds as of my 2-month mark. Remember at the very beginning there is water weight to lose. I don't expect to have lost 22 pounds in 2 more months. I am losing about a pound or so - give or take per week and I am very happy with this added bonus on way to better health. 

I am honestly still so shocked at the direction God has led me and that He gave me the peace to follow without arguing or whining. One of the biggest things that has surprised me is giving up chocolate. Yesterday I was looking in a little book that I had written some helpful quotes and such about health and found 2 things I had learned about chocolate last year. I may have shared it with you guy then, but it is worth sharing again. 

What chocolate does to the body: 

* Slows down digestion 

*Chocolate and sugar contribute to osteoporosis 

I am sure there are more things, but these are things I learned and had written down. 

Anyway, I just wanted to hop on here while I had a chance and give a bit of an update. 
Be watching for a YouTube video I plan to share on Thursday. It is a Tedtalk given by a Dr that had a health seminar that I attended years ago - probably about 2011 area. There is some great information in the little bit less than 20-minute video. Well worth your time. Hopefully I can get some more blog posts set up to share by then about things I am learning on this journey I am on. 

I can't wait to see where I am in another 2 months! 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Benefits of....Exercise

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives.


Prescribed dose:

A healthy adult should have 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity 3 or more times per week. Plus muscle strengthening and stretching at least twice a week.

Additional recommendations:

The human body was made to move. Exercise increases physical endurance, and mental well-being. Exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins, and enkephalins, hormones that give you a "feel good' high.
Vigorous exercise on a regular basis prevents the body from deteriorating. Outdoor exercise in the sun and fresh air is best. Walking is a wonderful form of exercise that involves the whole body; it increases blood circulation, thus increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscles, organs and cells. Walking promotes healthy heart and lung function, controls blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and can burn up to 100 calories per mile. Choose an exercise that is safe, fun and within your ability to achieve.
If you have any previous health conditions, please consult your physician before starting any exercise regimen.


  • Better digestion.
  • Strengthens muscles.
  • Increases bone density.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Burns excess fat.
  • Maintain ideal body weight.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Expels impurities via sweating through the skin.
  • Mental clarity and cognitive function.
  • Internal organs perform their work more efficiently.
  • Balance and agility.
  • Improves bowel eliminations.
  • Reduces risk of developing diabetes.
  • Lowers high blood pressure. 

Possible side effects:

Physical exhaustion from over- exercising loss of electrolytes due to excessive sweating, possible injury if you are not careful.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

“God’s Love of Justice” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 6 Q1 2025

It sure has been beautiful weather here in Texas lately. I hope you are having lovely weather as well. God bless. :O)