Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Natural Antibiotics Recipe


I have found it amazing how God brings just what you need at just the right time! 
A couple days in of having Covid a couple of my friends were concerned and put their concerns into action. I truly believe they were being the hands and feet of Jesus. 

One friend made me a jar of natural antibiotics- the middle jar. 
She also shared the recipe with me. And I would like to share the recipe with you just in case you find yourself in a situation where you need help as I did. But first I just wanted to say that I have had several friends tell me about a flu bomb or natural antibiotics and while it was helpful information the problem is when you are really sick- you do NOT feel like making something and especially something you have never made before. And another thing is when you are sick you can't go get ingredients you may need. That is why I felt like my friend was being the hands and feet of Jesus because He knew I needed this stuff but I couldn't make it- didn't have all the ingredients and didn't feel like it even if I did. 
So I am gonna suggest that maybe you try this recipe out when you are feeling good. It can be used to help prevent sickness as well. That way when the time comes that you really need it - you will not be intimidated. 

Natural Antibiotics 

1 bulb of garlic (15-20 cloves) 
1 onion (preferably red- or purple as my husband and I call them) 
1/4 cup ginger - my friend only used about the size of her thumb but a little fatter - wasn't as much as 1/4 cup - she knew that just might be too much for me- she was probably right) 
1 T honey (or more) 
2 lemons - juiced
Smash garlic ~ Wait 15 minutes so properties can be activated 
Cut everything into small pieces ( My friend uses a hand held food processor- I will share a photo of what she uses at the end) 
Mix all the ingredients together. Put into a quart sized jar and cover with purified water. 
Put jar in a pan with water, bring the water in the pan to a boil, once it gets to boiling turn off the heat and let cool down. Keep in fridge. Can last up to a month in the fridge. 

When you are real sick it was suggested to take 1 tablespoon every hour while you are awake. 
So for some reason blogger or my computer are giving me fits so I will have to share my experience with this recipe on another post. Be on the lookout for the next part. 

And then another post will explain the herbs in the above photo. 

1 comment:

  1. Renee` is this you? Hadn't seen you around in a long time - I hope all is well with you!! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality