Thursday, April 13, 2023

Saving Money Technique for the Garden

So we bought 10 buckets a while back. The idea was to use them to cover plants if we got freezing temps. Well fast forward a few weeks and I ended up with more plants than I had places for in my garden beds. So we drilled some holes in the bottom of these buckets and we used a technique that helps save money by using less soil in raised beds and container gardening. This technique is called - Hugelkultur. You can look up more information about it on the internet and youtube videos. But basically what it is- is filling up the bottom part of your containers/raised beds with leaves and twigs and such and then putting soil over the top. This way you are using less soil. And as time goes by those things will break down creating great additions to your soil. 

So I took these Best Deal green scoopers thingys that I got for like $2.00 at Aldi's and I took my buckets over to a section of our yard that had excessive leaves and stuff piled up. And I filled my buckets 1/2 + full of leaves. Then I took my buckets to my garden and I filled them up with soil. I pressed down a bit and added a bit more soil- just wanted to make sure there was enough soil. 

Before my grandson arrived in the morning - I had the first 5 done. I planted extra yellow and orange bell peppers in these.  Later in the afternoon I was able to get the other five taken care and of filled up. I planted 2 extra cherry tomato plants, 2 rosemary plants, and 3 cilantro plants in these 5 buckets. 

Please excuse the jumbled mess of firewood. We had plants to move some things around so that we could add some space to garden- so I didn't want to stack all the wood because our firewood stack would have to be moved. I do have plans, once all garden is planted to move firewood and try to make it look nicer over in that area. 

Anyway things on my to-do list are slowly getting done and I am feeling not quite so overwhelmed. It feels good to have so many things done. It has taken quite a bit of work and effort to get so much done. And I have been sore from all the work, but that feeling of being overwhelmed was no fun and it was well worth the hours put in to get things done. I have lots of things still to do but I am seeing so much progress. 

I hope you all are doing well. :O) 


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