Thursday, February 23, 2023

Hello! :O)

 Just a little update while my grandson sleeps and while our lunch is cooking. 

So our little chicks are a little over a week old and doing well. Sadly, we lost 2 of them and have since learned an important lesson about some of the special care involved with new baby chicks. And I have since written these things in my little chicken booklet that I have. It has come in handy when we have gotten baby chicks. And I am glad I thought of doing this years ago. We did start off with 29 and how have 27 babies. They are doing so well and bring not only a lot of extra work, but extra joy! 

Gardening is going great. I have 4~ 1020 trays of starts - some of which I am in the process of hardening off so that in the next week or so I can get them planted outside. I have my garden space mapped out - this takes quite a bit of time and thought. And I have my plan for my next 2~ 1020 trays. 

Well my time is up. Hopefully I can jump on here and again soon for another update. Hope you are all doing well. :O) 

Just a little thing that just happened and I had written it up on facebook- will share here: 

You know those big black birds that many people think are a nuisance? They are among my list of favorite birds. One of the main reasons they rate so high me is because they help protect my chickens! Just know as I was in the kitchen - I heard one of my chickens squawking, differently than usual so I looked out and what did I see? A huge hawk in the tree with 2 black birds trying to get him to move on. That hawk was quite determined and I had to run out and help with the job. Hopefully that hawk will find somewhere else to find his meals from now on. I purposely put bread and pieces of tortillas and such for the black birds when I take scraps out in the morning. It helps to keep bringing those birds back to my yard. It's a good investment into a little bit of a security system, I think. And a great reason for them to be on my favorite birds list! 


  1. I raise baby chicks, Last April we hatched 25, We sold 2 roosters,still need to sell 3 more. Luckly most ended being hens. Right now with all we have now I have 2 eggs under hens, should hatch next Friday. I candled them and they are viable...Been taking eggs to local hardware store to sell, made over 100 so far..
    Blessings, Renee'

    1. Hi Renee'! So good to hear from you! Things have been crazy busy here with garden, baby chicks and early arrival of what could possibly be grandbaby number 7!
      Glad to hear you are doing well!!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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