Thursday, June 16, 2022

Being Willing to Adjust When Needed

 Just dropping in for a few minutes to say Hi! It has been pretty hot around here lately. Although summer does not officially arrive till the 21st- it HAS arrived here in Texas! We have already had 4 triple digit days in just the last week and today will be number 5! 

I have had to adjust my schedule to work around this heat. I am spending 1 - 3 hours or so outside in the mornings to get stuff done outside. And then many evenings I am spending more time outside on more jobs. It takes a lot of time to keep a garden going in triple digit temperatures. And I have put way too much work into it to let it go at this point. I have lost some things and plan to start some more tomato, yellow Squash, and muncher cucumber seeds.

By the way I have been loving these muncher cucumbers from Baker Creek Seeds! These cucs retain a great flavor even thought it is SO hot outside. My other cucumbers have a twang to them and I am actually cutting them up and giving the chickens a snack every afternoon - I think it helps cool them off a bit and gives them more water as well. So event thought I am not enjoying those cucumbers they are still very worth me growing them!! 

We have had to make a few adjustments in the house in order to try to keep the house cooler. We REALLY need to get our ducting redone - but we missed out on doing that this year - at least till it cools down ALOT.  We also need to get some more insulation blown into our attic. These two jobs will be put as priority to get done before next summer to help with keeping out house cooler- and also warmer in the winter. Sometimes you just have to change things around to keep your house cool - I love opening up our shades and letting the sunshine in. But I have had to - especially on these triple digit days - keep the shades down at least in the east side of the house - mornings and then the west side in the afternoons. It is not my favorite thing to do - because I like the light but in order to help our AC have an easier time it is just what I have to do. 

Well next week will be a very busy week - including my follow up appointment with Cardiologist. So I don't know how much I will be able to get posted. I will try - especially on this hot afternoons to work on getting some posts written up. So far I have used this time to do some jobs that I have totally neglected for far too long - like going through files and organizing them - getting rid of things that are no longer important to hold onto. I have also gone through a big stack of papers that needed to be filed or thrown away. SO I am using this hot weather - where you need to stay inside to help keep the cool in and the hot outside to work on jobs to get more organized. I have many more things here and there to work on to get more organized. I am thankful that I have things inside that I can work on and still feel accomplished. That helps me handle being cooped up - so much better. That is very important - especially when 13 of the next 15 days will be triple digit temps....ugh....I will be SO VERY happy when Fall gets here! 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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