Friday, January 7, 2022

Freebie Friday

 So this week I tried to go to the favorite little thrift store nearby- however it was closed and would not open back up till Sunday - so sorry there is nothing to report on in my Freebie Friday. But I thought I would get on here and share a great deal I found this week  - just in case you have a Winco near your house - you could check it out. 

Winco is where I buy my olives from. My grandchildren love them and I try to open a can every time our family gets together. Winco is where I have found my best prices for them. 99 cents is the deal I usually get- which compared to other stores is an awesome deal! But a couple of days ago I went and found olives for 78 cent - I bought a whole box of 12 - now I am thinking I probably should have bought 2! Oh well. 

I also found 7.25oz cans of shaving cream - 98 cents and 1 pound blocks of yeast - $1.00.  Those are great deal!! 

Nothing free this week - but I did get some great deals - so it was still a great week. Plus the prices on their paper towels and toilet paper are great as well. I am so thankful that I have one within about a 30 minute drive or so!! :O) 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry! I am thankful that I am only about 30 minutes away from this store! :)


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