“God gave all an opportunity to repent, but they didn’t believe the preaching of Noah. They mocked his warnings and ridiculed the building of that immense vessel. Noah’s efforts to reform his fellow men did not succeed. But for more than one hundred years he persevered in his efforts. . . Animals peacefully and solemnly marched into the ark. . .The world looked on with wonder--some with fear, but they had become so hardened by rebellion that this most signal manifestation of God’s power had but a momentary influence upon them. . .Seven days the family of Noah were in the ark before the rain began to descend upon the earth. . .These were days of blasphemous merriment by the unbelieving multitude who thought, because the prophecy of Noah was not fulfilled immediately, that he was deceived and that it was impossible that the world could be destroyed by a flood. . .Others were frantic with fear, stretching their hands toward the ark, pleading for admittance. But God had closed the door and shut Noah in and the ungodly out. . .Their fear and repentance came too late. . . They called upon Him earnestly, but His ear was not open to their cry. . .For every manifestation of God’s mercy and love toward us, the first act of all should be to render to Him grateful thanks and humble worship. . .The symbol of the rainbow in the clouds is to confirm the belief of all, and establish their confidence in God that although He had been provoked to destroy the earth, His mercy still encompasses the earth.” The Story of Redemption, Pgs. 51-54, 56
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