Monday, August 30, 2021

Letting The World In TOO Soon

 Have you ever been convicted of something and then later have it reinforced with something you have read. Well this happened to me recently and I would like to share it with you. I am hoping it will bless you as well. 

So lately I have gotten a little lax in my morning schedule and I have let the world in too soon. What do I mean by that? Well I had slowly started getting on my phone and turning on the volume of it and it has become a distraction during my quiet time. You see I wake up and I get my cats and chickens taken care of and then it is quiet time. But I had slipped into getting on my phone and checking this and that - and I thought it was harmless because I was "only" checking weather and the such. I thought I was doing SO good because I was not checking Facebook and Emails till after quiet time. BUT once I turned the ringer on I began getting distracted and it took away from my quiet time. 

So one morning last week - after I had had several interruptions I wrote on an index card - these rules I wanted to put into place for myself: 

* Don't turn sound on phone till after quiet time. 

* Don't look at things on phone will after quiet time - everything can wait. 

* I have a better quiet time when I haven't let the world in first. 

Then I began reading my current book Your Friend, The Holy Spirit  And just listen to what I found in my reading for this day that I was convicted of allowing the world in too soon: 

"If Jesus is the center and focus of our lives, the whole life will revolve around our relationship with Him. He will be our most important priority. He will be the first One to whom we turn for companionship and the last One for whom we cannot find time."

I get such a blessing that can't be matched when I put God first. When I let the world do it's thing, it will all be there when I am done with my quiet time with Jesus and I will be better prepared to face it when I put God first! 

Yes, reading this chapter reassured me of the importance to put God first. He deserves it! I hope that this little testimony blessed you. And I would like to encourage you - if you don't already -please find some time for God - as close to the first things you do as possible- you WILL be blessed!! 

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