Friday, January 1, 2021

What Can A Calendar Cleared Do

First of all let me say Happy New Year! As I was getting my new 2021 calendar ready to put up on the way, I began to ponder how 2020 had gone. The first couple of months found me quite busy with all sorts of things going one. I had several lady study groups going, an exercise group, volunteering, a monthly painting class and such. But as the month of March rolled by, slowly each things ended, even going to church disappeared from my calendar (for 11 weeks). As I thought of all the loss from my calendar I could have chosen to be frustrated but instead I choose to consider what happened this year because my calendar cleared. 

This year I realized what a true blessing it is to be able to meet with other believers and to worship God together! I will not take it for granted again to be able to go to church. Not everyone has the freedom to do so. There are people even here in the USA that do not have that freedom even now. And sadly we may not have the freedom very much longer. So it is best to take advantage of the blessing we have to gather with other believers and praise the Lord together! 

I learned that "one is none and 2 is one." What does that mean? Well I have heard several Youtubers talk about this. So basically what it means is this - if you have 1 tube of tooth paste and you use it - you are left with none, but if you have 2 tubes of toothpaste and use one - you still have one. When it became very hard to find toilet paper, I quickly realized that it would be important to do better at having what we have. And to have extras of things that we use on a day to day basis. And never again will I allow us to get to our last roll of toilet paper before going to get more. I make sure I have extras- just in case we or our family need some. 

Because I did not have a full calendar I had the opportunity to learn many awesome things- like canning,, dehydrating, and learning more about gardening and more. Sometimes having a full calendar causes you not to be able to learn as much as you could if you were not so busy all the time. 

So 2020 was frustrating because of all of the restrictions and the mandates, but I gained some great knowledge this year and I also ended up in a church that had placed their faith in Jesus Christ - the only place we really can place our faith. My calendar may have cleared out but I was able to add knowledge and skills that I did not have before. So over all I am pretty happy with the accomplishments of this year! :O) 

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you as well. Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to checking out your blog. :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of...Water

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