Monday, December 21, 2020

Focus is on Jesus

 “ The redeemed now begin to sing a song of praise that echoes and re-echos through heaven: “Salvation to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb.” Salvation to our God?! Aren’t they making a big mistake? No, it’s God’s salvation at stake here. It’s His reputation being put on the line. And apparently that’s one of the primary reasons that everyone who has ever lived is in that final audience.

The redeemed have seen the power and awfulness of Satan, and they realize, as never before, that no power but Christ’s could have made them conquerors. In all that shining throng, no one ascribes salvation to themselves; not one believes they prevailed through their own power or goodness. And no one talks of what they’ve done or suffered....... The entire focus is on Jesus and salvation to our God and to the Lamb.”
This book has not disappointed- it has been excellent just like every other book I have read by Morris Vendon. “ The Last Trolley Out” p.206


  1. I am SO happy to know that they are feeling better and getting back to work. And that you made it through! :O)

  2. Praying it goes smoothly for you guys. Merry Christmas! Hope it has been a nice day! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Healthy Eating Simplified in 2025 - Step 2

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