So a year or so I experimented a bit with making my own laundry detergent. The only soap I could find at the time was Fels Naptha, which by the way has a very strong odor. I liked using it alright but wasn't totally sold on it. Plus we had some septic issues - tree roots getting into our septic line, which caused out septic to clog up ever so often and I thought that it could have been partly due to the homemade laundry detergent.
As you know I have really gotten into watching Homestead Tessie's Youtube Channel and I have learned quite a bit from her. One great tip I learned helped fill the gap from store bought laundry detergent to homemade- the scent!!
Homestead Tessie suggested adding something like Downy Unstoppables - to the homemade mixture and this week I tried it and I am really loving it.
I am not quite sure what the difference there is between the pink and white soaps - but I decided to do a double batch so I could use one of each. Then the Unstoppable that I picked out just happened to be blue and once it was ground up and put in - my soap took on a Cotton Candy appearance!!

Isn't it pretty!? Directions say to use 1 - 3 Tablespoon - depending on how big your load is or how dirty the items are.
I shared with you last week - I believe that a couple of women had given me some canning jars.Well one of the jars caught my attention - it was different from the others and I just had to look it up. Come to find out it is a vintage jar! I love it! My double batch of laundry detergent made enough soap to fill up 2 quart sized jars plus a tupperware canister that I have - that is not the biggest canister- I think it is the second to the biggest canister. So I have the canister out on my washer and I store my two quart mason jars elsewhere to keep them safe from toppling off of the washer on a rough load. And once the canister gets low I can just add soap. I have written the date on the canister so I will know how long this soap lasts me.
I am hoping not to have any septic issues. If I do - Homestead Tessie has a recipe and video showing how to make the liquid laundry detergent and I will give that a try. One reason I have not tried it so far is that you use a wand blender - to mix the mixture several times over a 24 hour period. Well I don't have a wand blender that I want to devote to this task -and right now I am not able to get out and look for one. Once I can go thrift store shopping again - I will be looking for one and once I get one I might try the liquid.
Homestead Tessie also has a video showing how to make dish soap - the kind you use when you hand wash dishes - which is what I do most of the time - so i want to try that next!!! I will let you know how that goes and if I will continue to make it and use it once I do try it.
My intentions were not to make cotton candy looking laundry detergent but that is exactly what I ended up with! It just adds that bit of fun every time I use it!! And the scent is so much better than what I used to make! I am very happy with this stuff!! :O)
If you want an exact recipe as to what I do , it is very easy and I will share - just ask. :O)
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