Thursday, March 26, 2020

Days have been busy, how about you?

Sorry I have not posted very much lately, actually I have been very busy. So many things to get caught up on and do. It's been good for me to stay busy during these uncertain times.

It had been so rainy here that my yard was in desperate need of being mowed. Yesterday I was able to get 3/4 of it done. The other area was still too wet. Hopefully later today I will be able to get it mowed. I have some weed eating to do, but over all the yard looks SO much better!

Apparently a lot of people are using their unexpected free time to Spring clean because we have gotten an onslaught of donations! So much so that we have had to go in extra hours just trying to contain it. We are right at our switch over time~ switching from fall/winter clothes to our Spring/summer clothes. From what I hear this is a biig job. And to make it even a bigger job is that we have lots of donation bags to go through piled on top of our totes of clothes.

And before the biggest load of donations came in, I agreed to help a local Hospice group with making face masks for thier workers. I have never done this before and hoping I can do a good job.

A and then there is my gardening- trying to keep up with all of that. I'll have to do a sewerage post to tell you about it as soon as I can. I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with space and seeds and plants to have a garden. It does a lot for to soul to work out in nature! Speaking of that- it has been SO warm around my part of Texas- I actually got a bit of a sunburn over the last two days. That's alright - it will brown right up just like every year.

I better get on with the day- lots to do- a little bit of everything I've talked about plus the normal work around the house. Hope you all are doing well. Try to get out into the sun and fresh air it's good for your immune system. :0)

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear that your Hubby and Son are being able to work. I will be praying for them and you. All of this is so crazy. :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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