Sunday, December 22, 2019

A New Addition

Many times you will find an "My Best Deal" post here on Sundays. But today I could not title this post "My Best Deal" because I don't know if I got an awesome deal or not. But I do know that I love this new addition that will go in my workshop area in our garage. The red handles to the right - when turned will open the two piece of wood on the table. It can fold down to fit in my car as I found out after I bought it at a local Goodwill store. 

A couple of years ago my husband and I had a shed built in the back yard - it has a storage area over head and the main floor my husband has taken over as his workshop. Well we have a section in our garage where there is a workshop area. Only problem is that it is overrun with all sorts of stuff. I have already begun working on organizing it. When you have a vision of what you want to accomplish you will begin to take it one step at a time to reach that vision. And this job has certainly taken that from me. It has been overwhelming because the stuff is mostly things like tools, electrical stuff, plumbing stuff and some things I have to take a guess at what it is in order to place it with like things. I can not wait till I am able to get finished this big job. There are a few things I have not figured out how I will organize it or set it up but I am sure that as I work towards having a nice little work area in the garage I will come across things that will help me in my endeavors to organize.  If I think of it I will post photos when I am finished. I just wished I had have gotten photos of it to begin with. It is already about 50% better and I have a LONG ways to go. 

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