Friday, October 18, 2019

I thought I had a week

Yesterday after my MIL Physical Therapy appointment - I was called back so that we could set up the next 4 weeks of appointments....I had thought that they would do that next week - since we already had those two appointments scheduled - so I was not as prepared to set the appointments. I think this and the fact that no only did I take her to this appointment but I also took her to her 3pm appointment to get her hair cut and permed made for a long day. As I got the text at 5pm to pick her up to take her home. Thankfully I had thought ahead and had worked on a menu and a grocery list so that once I dropped her off at 3pm - I ran back to the other town nearby to hit the Aldi's and the Walmart to get groceries. I had enough time to get both stores taken care of - drive the 15-20 minutes home and get things mostly put away before I needed to head out again. It was a long day and I was drained by the end of it. But oh SO thankful to have my groceries taken care of now I don't have to do that today. Today I can go to the park for a walk and I can work on cleaning my house and fix food for my family. It will be the very first day in several weeks where I have not HAD to go somewhere. And I am so thankful for this day. I need the down time.

My husband's battery on his car went out yesterday and then so did the battery on my oldest sons car. My youngest son got - I use the word got loosely... to sit at the hospital for another 8 hours - second time this week. I am sure he is tired of hospitals by now. His girlfriend had a procedure - and will have to have a pretty serious surgery as soon as they can get it scheduled- which may not be for another couple to several months....meanwhile she is in pain and has been through so very much and just ready to have this all taken care of and behind her.

Well I am off for the day. Hope you all are doing well... :O)

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