Sunday, October 22, 2017

Coincidence....I think not


This is how I had felt for weeks......
maybe months......

Then I read on Courtney's blog Women Living Well where she had created another Bible study and would be working through it during the month of October. When I saw the title of the study, I knew I had to get it. I had actually never done one of her studies before, but I just felt that this was something that I was suppose to do.

Sometime, before or after I ordered the above book, I really don't remember, a friend shared with me about a free book offer that Jesus101 was doing. And I was able to go to the app on my phone and easily request a copy of this book:
Funny thing is that I did not realize that there two books would work so perfectly together. It was not planned at all - at least not by me.
About a week ago I began reading the small book and Sabbath morning I decided to read the second chapter for my devotional time. And it clicked - I was meant to read these books at the same time. These two go together so nicely!
God knew what was going on inside of me- he knew of my worries and concerns and he wanted me to cast my burdens on Him. He wanted to give me rest and knew that I needed it written in plain English to get it.
God works in mysterious ways. When we don't get the message one way He will change the approach until we get it.
I am so thankful that He will gently lead us if only we will allow Him to do so.
How have you seen God lead in your life lately?
By the way - Jesus101 gives out free books quite often. Not only that but you can choose to listen to 1 minute programs called "Plug Into Life" or you can choose to listen to 15 minute(or so) programs called Biblical Studies. They have several other choices. You can also choose to watch programs. There are many valuable recourse's available. Either search for the app for your phone or go to their website - by clicking on the link above.

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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