Sorry - I did not have this ready earlier. I just couldn't make it to the computer sooner. Our temps here were about 68 which meant- first of all I needed to open up the house and let some fresh air in. Next I had to go on a good walk. I walked a whole hour today! It felt good. :O)
Proverbs 31
"31:10-31 This is the description of a virtuous woman of those days, but the general outlines equally suit every age and nation. She is very careful to recommend herself to her husband's esteem and affection, to know his mind, and is willing that he rule over her. 1. She can be trusted, and he will leave such a wife to manage for him. He is happy in her. And she makes it her constant business to do him good. 2. She is one that takes pains in her duties, and takes pleasure in them. She is careful to fill up time, that none be lost. She rises early. She applies herself to the business proper for her, to women's business. She does what she does, with all her power, and trifles not. 3. She makes what she does turn to good account by prudent management. Many undo themselves by buying, without considering whether they can afford it. She provides well for her house. She lays up for hereafter. 4. She looks well to the ways of her household, that she may oblige all to do their duty to God and one another, as well as to her. 5. She is intent upon giving as upon getting, and does it freely and cheerfully. 6. She is discreet and obliging; every word she says, shows she governs herself by the rules of wisdom. She not only takes prudent measures herself, but gives prudent advice to others. The law of love and kindness is written in the heart, and shows itself in the tongue. Her heart is full of another world, even when her hands are most busy about this world. 7. Above all, she fears the Lord. Beauty recommends none to God, nor is it any proof of wisdom and goodness, but it has deceived many a man who made his choice of a wife by it. But the fear of God reigning in the heart, is the beauty of the soul; it lasts for ever. 8. She has firmness to bear up under crosses and disappointments. She shall reflect with comfort when she comes to be old, that she was not idle or useless when young. She shall rejoice in a world to come. She is a great blessing to her relations. If the fruit be good, the tree must have our good word. But she leaves it to her own works to praise her. Every one ought to desire this honour that cometh from God; and according to this standard we all ought to regulate our judgments. This description let all women daily study, who desire to be truly beloved and respected, useful and honourable. This passage is to be applied to individuals, but may it not also be applied to the church of God, which is described as a virtuous spouse? God by his grace has formed from among sinful men a church of true believers, to possess all the excellences here described."
~This is from the "Matthew Henry Commentary" which I found at Biblehub There are many other commentaries there to look at and read about the Proverbs 31 woman.
Psalms 31
Monday, July 31, 2017
The Official Check-in for the 50 by 50 Goal
I began July with the goal of maintaining my weight. With having my Granddaughter for the month, I knew that things would be more challenging for me. I know it would be harder for me to get exercise into my schedule and my eating habits would be disrupted. I would probably be eating a few different things than usual.
So I did the best I could. I took my ipad and weights to my son's house. Since I had to be there by 6:45am, I knew that if I was going to get a work out in - it would probably be in the time period before Sweetpea woke up. Some days this plan worked, some days it didn't. Some days she was awake when I got there. If she was already awake - I decided those mornings would be great mornings to go to the park. And we would walk around the small loop(1/3 mile at least once) and the big loop(1/2 miles) at least once. And by the time we walked to the play ground area - I figure I got at least a mile in each time we did- that maybe a bit more depending on what all we did. It isn't as much as I usually walk - but hey - the goal for this month was to get in as much exercise as I could - and enjoy spending time with my granddaughter. My goal was to do a weight work out at least 2 times each week - and the average ended up proving I was successful with that goal. One week I only got one in and the next I got 3 in.
I was doing very good the first two weeks. In fact, I was thinking hey - I am doing so well maybe, just maybe I can lose weight this month. Then the 3rd week got here and I ended up showing a couple of pounds increase in weight. ugh...not what I wanted. If I couldn't lose weight - I wanted to at least not gain weight. I was a bit discouraged since I had been doing pretty good on getting exercise in and choosing pretty good choices most of the time. I knew I had to just do the best I could do. There is no choice for giving up.
Sabbath morning- I ended up sleeping in the latest I had slept in the entire month and when I weighed I was so happy to discover that I had in fact lost weight!! Sunday morning I weighed again - getting my official weight for my notebook. And from the end of June to the end of July I have lost 1.4 pounds!! And that brings me to a grand total of 37 pounds!
Thirteen more pounds to go to reach my 50 by 50 goal. Because of my limited ability to get exercising in (and trust me - I did very well considering. When you are determined - you make a way!) I know that during the month of August I will take advantage of the ability to exercise and I see myself being able to lose at least a pound or two for the month!
Just a little pointer for those of you who are trying to lose weight(or gain it- can't even imagine what it would be like but I know of some people who have struggled at this also) keep track of your weight weekly. Find yourself a notebook or journal or something that you can record your weight in once a week. And be sure to write down your weight each week. This is very helpful! Over the last several months- I have lost about 1/2 - 1 pound a month -which when you don't write the amount down - you can actually get discouraged not realizing you are losing weight. When the weight lose is slow it is easy to think you are not losing any weight at all. But by writing it down each week - you can compare where you were last month and where you are now. It really does help! It has been a blessing to me. I will continue this habit the rest of my life. Even when I am maintaining - because this way I can have my book hold me accountable for my weight. No more gaining the weight back. Nope. Not an option. I will weigh in at last once a week and record my weight and keep track of it. That way I can keep it managed.
So there you have it- not only did I maintain for the month - as was my goal, but I was able to lose some weight! What an awesome surprise!! Be watching for the next 50 by 50 update- maybe the end of next month. :O)
So I did the best I could. I took my ipad and weights to my son's house. Since I had to be there by 6:45am, I knew that if I was going to get a work out in - it would probably be in the time period before Sweetpea woke up. Some days this plan worked, some days it didn't. Some days she was awake when I got there. If she was already awake - I decided those mornings would be great mornings to go to the park. And we would walk around the small loop(1/3 mile at least once) and the big loop(1/2 miles) at least once. And by the time we walked to the play ground area - I figure I got at least a mile in each time we did- that maybe a bit more depending on what all we did. It isn't as much as I usually walk - but hey - the goal for this month was to get in as much exercise as I could - and enjoy spending time with my granddaughter. My goal was to do a weight work out at least 2 times each week - and the average ended up proving I was successful with that goal. One week I only got one in and the next I got 3 in.
I was doing very good the first two weeks. In fact, I was thinking hey - I am doing so well maybe, just maybe I can lose weight this month. Then the 3rd week got here and I ended up showing a couple of pounds increase in weight. ugh...not what I wanted. If I couldn't lose weight - I wanted to at least not gain weight. I was a bit discouraged since I had been doing pretty good on getting exercise in and choosing pretty good choices most of the time. I knew I had to just do the best I could do. There is no choice for giving up.
Sabbath morning- I ended up sleeping in the latest I had slept in the entire month and when I weighed I was so happy to discover that I had in fact lost weight!! Sunday morning I weighed again - getting my official weight for my notebook. And from the end of June to the end of July I have lost 1.4 pounds!! And that brings me to a grand total of 37 pounds!
Thirteen more pounds to go to reach my 50 by 50 goal. Because of my limited ability to get exercising in (and trust me - I did very well considering. When you are determined - you make a way!) I know that during the month of August I will take advantage of the ability to exercise and I see myself being able to lose at least a pound or two for the month!
Just a little pointer for those of you who are trying to lose weight(or gain it- can't even imagine what it would be like but I know of some people who have struggled at this also) keep track of your weight weekly. Find yourself a notebook or journal or something that you can record your weight in once a week. And be sure to write down your weight each week. This is very helpful! Over the last several months- I have lost about 1/2 - 1 pound a month -which when you don't write the amount down - you can actually get discouraged not realizing you are losing weight. When the weight lose is slow it is easy to think you are not losing any weight at all. But by writing it down each week - you can compare where you were last month and where you are now. It really does help! It has been a blessing to me. I will continue this habit the rest of my life. Even when I am maintaining - because this way I can have my book hold me accountable for my weight. No more gaining the weight back. Nope. Not an option. I will weigh in at last once a week and record my weight and keep track of it. That way I can keep it managed.
So there you have it- not only did I maintain for the month - as was my goal, but I was able to lose some weight! What an awesome surprise!! Be watching for the next 50 by 50 update- maybe the end of next month. :O)
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Brain 30
My husband had to leave for work at 4:30 this morning, I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. The good news is I'll have time to do some things I've been wanting to do but didn't have time. Bad news, I'm already feeling tired. I plan on going for a good walk this morning once it gets light out. Hopefully that will help refresh me.
But first, let's look at Proverbs 30 together. There seems to be some confusion in who actually wrote this chapter. But as my commentary said, "it is not necessary that we know through whom these inspired words were given."
Here are the verses that stood out to me:
"Every word of God is pure; (tested, refined, found pure)
And a shield to those who put
Their trust in Him.
6 Do not add to His words,
Least He rebuke you, and you be found a liar."
Verse 5-6
" 'Word' ~ The Lord has especially guarded His Word. To those who learn to rely upon it, the Word becomes a perfect shield and protection." SDA Comm.
"You shall not add to the word which I commanded you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."
Deuteronomy 4:2
"Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it."
Deuteronomy 12:32
" 'Add thou not' ~ Since the Word of God is purified by divine care, we should not tamper with it. our finite minds can never fully understand the thoughts of God." SDA Comm.
"The words of the LORD are pure words,
Like silver tried in a furnace of earth,
Purified seven times."
Psalm 12:6
"The statues of the LORD are right,
Rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the LORD is
pure, enlightening the eyes;
9 The fear of the LORD is clean,
enduring forever;
The judgments of the LORD are true
and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb."
Psalm 19:7-10
Proverbs 30
Psalms 30
But first, let's look at Proverbs 30 together. There seems to be some confusion in who actually wrote this chapter. But as my commentary said, "it is not necessary that we know through whom these inspired words were given."
Here are the verses that stood out to me:
"Every word of God is pure; (tested, refined, found pure)
And a shield to those who put
Their trust in Him.
6 Do not add to His words,
Least He rebuke you, and you be found a liar."
Verse 5-6
" 'Word' ~ The Lord has especially guarded His Word. To those who learn to rely upon it, the Word becomes a perfect shield and protection." SDA Comm.
"You shall not add to the word which I commanded you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."
Deuteronomy 4:2
"Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it."
Deuteronomy 12:32
" 'Add thou not' ~ Since the Word of God is purified by divine care, we should not tamper with it. our finite minds can never fully understand the thoughts of God." SDA Comm.
"The words of the LORD are pure words,
Like silver tried in a furnace of earth,
Purified seven times."
Psalm 12:6
"The statues of the LORD are right,
Rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the LORD is
pure, enlightening the eyes;
9 The fear of the LORD is clean,
enduring forever;
The judgments of the LORD are true
and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb."
Psalm 19:7-10
Proverbs 30
Psalms 30
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
Make it Count
So sorry I have not had a chance to get quotes or special thought done up for me posts lately. It's challenging to get my self ready plus do everything I need to do before I leave the house at 6:45am. To be honest~ I'm gonna have to read Proverbs through again in August because I haven't been able to spend as much time on it as I'd like. I'd really like to get my commentary out and do a deeper study on each chapter, something I haven't had the time to do this month.
Also I'd like to ask for prayers for our sweet granddaughter and for our family. It will be very hard to see her go on Monday. Yesterday morning she told me of a wish she had made- she wants to live with her dad full time. I said oh like switch it around and see your mom like you see your dad ~ every other weekend. She said no- just see my mommy for my birthday... Kind of paused I'm guessing to see if there would be any other time she would want to see her mom but said nothing more. Of course, this broke my heart. I know that her mommy has always been closer to her dad and does not have a very good relationship with her mom. I want my granddaughter to be loved. To feel loved whether she is with her dad or with her mom, it's my prayer...especially now.
Yesterday morning as I sat outside with Sweetpea as she played in her little pool, I thought back to my own time with my grandparents- I wished that I had have gotten just a portion of time and attention from them that I try to give my granddaughter. Because I'm an intervert it is challenging spending 12 hours a day with a bubbly little girl~ but I try to remind myself that I have a limited amount of time to spend with her and I need to make it count.
Last night I was so very tired - spending over 2 hours out in the heat really drained me, plus I'm not getting as much sleep/rest as I need. As I was finishing up a show I had started the night before, I got emotional and began to cry- just a few more days and she has to go back to her mom. It's gonna be SO hard on all of us. So we really need prayers. Pray that God will work a miracle~ that Sweetpea will either get to be with her dad more or that her momma be able to love her and develope a relationship with her- maybe both miracles would be great!! I would sure appreciate prayers.
The good thing is that I have a good amount of things already planned in August to keep me busy. So that's good. As I sat in the back yard yesterday I looked around the yard at all the things I'd like to get done- with those on my list along with inside chore to do. I have an appointment or two, my husband has an appointment. And I have a couple appointments to take my MIL to during the month.
Well since Sweetpea is still asleep I am going to close and see if I can catch up on reading a blog post or two- she could be up any time so there's no telling what I can get done.
Also I'd like to ask for prayers for our sweet granddaughter and for our family. It will be very hard to see her go on Monday. Yesterday morning she told me of a wish she had made- she wants to live with her dad full time. I said oh like switch it around and see your mom like you see your dad ~ every other weekend. She said no- just see my mommy for my birthday... Kind of paused I'm guessing to see if there would be any other time she would want to see her mom but said nothing more. Of course, this broke my heart. I know that her mommy has always been closer to her dad and does not have a very good relationship with her mom. I want my granddaughter to be loved. To feel loved whether she is with her dad or with her mom, it's my prayer...especially now.
Yesterday morning as I sat outside with Sweetpea as she played in her little pool, I thought back to my own time with my grandparents- I wished that I had have gotten just a portion of time and attention from them that I try to give my granddaughter. Because I'm an intervert it is challenging spending 12 hours a day with a bubbly little girl~ but I try to remind myself that I have a limited amount of time to spend with her and I need to make it count.
Last night I was so very tired - spending over 2 hours out in the heat really drained me, plus I'm not getting as much sleep/rest as I need. As I was finishing up a show I had started the night before, I got emotional and began to cry- just a few more days and she has to go back to her mom. It's gonna be SO hard on all of us. So we really need prayers. Pray that God will work a miracle~ that Sweetpea will either get to be with her dad more or that her momma be able to love her and develope a relationship with her- maybe both miracles would be great!! I would sure appreciate prayers.
The good thing is that I have a good amount of things already planned in August to keep me busy. So that's good. As I sat in the back yard yesterday I looked around the yard at all the things I'd like to get done- with those on my list along with inside chore to do. I have an appointment or two, my husband has an appointment. And I have a couple appointments to take my MIL to during the month.
Well since Sweetpea is still asleep I am going to close and see if I can catch up on reading a blog post or two- she could be up any time so there's no telling what I can get done.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Brain 27
Proverbs 27
Harboring Envy/jealousy~ "Envy (Jealousy) is one of the most satanic traits that can exist in the human heart,, and it is one of the most baleful in its effects. Says the wise man, "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?" Proverbs 27:4. It was envy that first caused discord in heaven, and its indulgence has wrought untold evil among men." PP 385
Psalms 27
***I would like to share a link to the online books that I use quotes from - there are quite a few books available here to read. Online Books
"Wrath is cruel and anger a torrent,
But who is able to stand before jealousy?
verse 4
Harboring Envy/jealousy~ "Envy (Jealousy) is one of the most satanic traits that can exist in the human heart,, and it is one of the most baleful in its effects. Says the wise man, "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?" Proverbs 27:4. It was envy that first caused discord in heaven, and its indulgence has wrought untold evil among men." PP 385
Psalms 27
***I would like to share a link to the online books that I use quotes from - there are quite a few books available here to read. Online Books
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Dropping in to say Hi!
This month has been just as busy as I thought it would- maybe more busy in some aspects. Trying to keep up the basics and spend time with my granddaughter has proved challenging. I've had to let a few things go this month., which is fine because come next week and I'll be missing the sweet girl and will have regretted not spending more time with her. I so wish we had more time with her. I also wish we were able to get her for a month during a cooler month. There is so much more we would like to do with her but we just aren't able because of the heat. I try to take her out to play in the sandbox when ever I can, with her living in the big city~ it's not something she gets to do very often.
Well speaking of the sweet girl~ she just woke up so I need to close for now. I just wanted to check in and say hi. Hope your all doing well. :)
Well speaking of the sweet girl~ she just woke up so I need to close for now. I just wanted to check in and say hi. Hope your all doing well. :)
Brain 26
Proverbs 26
Evils of Sly Innuendo~ "Closely allied to gossip is the covert insinuation, the sly innuendo, by which the unclean in heart seek to insinuate the evil they dare not openly express. Every approach to these practices the youth should be taught to sun as they would shun the leprosy." Ed 236
Psalms 26
***I would like to share a link to the online books that I use quotes from - there are quite a few books available here to read. Online Books
"Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death.
19 Is the man who deceives his neighbor; and says, "I was only joking!"
verses 18-19
Evils of Sly Innuendo~ "Closely allied to gossip is the covert insinuation, the sly innuendo, by which the unclean in heart seek to insinuate the evil they dare not openly express. Every approach to these practices the youth should be taught to sun as they would shun the leprosy." Ed 236
Psalms 26
***I would like to share a link to the online books that I use quotes from - there are quite a few books available here to read. Online Books
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Brain 25
Proverbs 25
"Lifetime Effect of One Moment~
"In one moment, by the hasty, passionate, careless tongue, may be wrought evil that a whole lifetime's repentance cannot undo. Oh, the hearts that are broken, the friends estranged, the lives wrecked, by the harsh, hasty words of those who might have brought help and healing." Ed 236,237
Psalms 25
"Whoever has no rule over his own spirit
Is like a city broken down, without walls."
verse 28
"Lifetime Effect of One Moment~
"In one moment, by the hasty, passionate, careless tongue, may be wrought evil that a whole lifetime's repentance cannot undo. Oh, the hearts that are broken, the friends estranged, the lives wrecked, by the harsh, hasty words of those who might have brought help and healing." Ed 236,237
Psalms 25
Monday, July 24, 2017
Brain 24
Proverbs 24
Enemies Need the Bread of Life~ "The whole earthly life of Jesus was a manifestation of this principle. It was to bring the bread of life to His enemies that our Saviour left His home in heaven. Though calumny and persecution were heaped upon Him from the cradle to the grave, they called forth from Him only the expression of forgiving love." MB 71
Psalms 24
"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease Him,
And He turn away His wrath from him."
verses 17-18
Enemies Need the Bread of Life~ "The whole earthly life of Jesus was a manifestation of this principle. It was to bring the bread of life to His enemies that our Saviour left His home in heaven. Though calumny and persecution were heaped upon Him from the cradle to the grave, they called forth from Him only the expression of forgiving love." MB 71
Psalms 24
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Black Dots and Black Spots
My devotional for today was too good not to share. I hope it blesses you as it did me. :O)
Giving thanks always for all things unto God
No matter what the source of the evil, if you are in God and surrounded by Him as by an atmosphere, all evil has to pass through Him before it comes to you. Therefore you can thank God for everything that comes, not for the sin of it, but for what God will bring out of it and through it. May God make our lives thanksgiving and perpetual praise, then He will make everything a blessing.
We once saw a man draw some black dots. We looked and could make nothing of them but an irregular assemblage of black dots. Then he drew a few lines, put in a few rests, then a clef at the beginning, and we saw these black dots were musical notes. On sounding them we were singing,
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below."
Praise Him all creatures here below."
Let us not hinder Him in this glorious work!
--C. H. P.
Would we know that the major chords were sweet,
If there were no minor key?
Would the painter's work be fair to our eyes,
Without shade on land or sea?
Would we know the meaning of happiness,
Would we feel that the day was bright,
If we'd never known what it was to grieve,
Nor gazed on the dark of night?
Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties.
--C. H. Spurgeon
--C. H. Spurgeon
When the musician presses the black keys on the great organ, the music is as sweet as when he touches the white ones, but to get the capacity of the instrument he must touch them all.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Brain 22
Proverbs 22
Character Development~ "It is not by arbitrary law or rule that the graces of character are developed. It is by dwelling in the atmosphere of the pure, the noble, the true. And wherever there is purity of heart and nobleness of character, it will be revealed in purity and nobleness of action and of speech." Ed 237
Psalms 22
"He who loves purity of heart
And has grace on his lips,
The kind will be his friend."
verse 11
Character Development~ "It is not by arbitrary law or rule that the graces of character are developed. It is by dwelling in the atmosphere of the pure, the noble, the true. And wherever there is purity of heart and nobleness of character, it will be revealed in purity and nobleness of action and of speech." Ed 237
Psalms 22
Friday, July 21, 2017
Brain 21
Proverbs 21
Refusing Gods' Grace~ "It is not because He is unwilling to forgive that He turns from the transgressor; it is because the sinner refuses to make use of the abundant provisions of grace, that God is unable to deliver from sin." PK 323
Psalms 21
"The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination;
How much more when he brings it with wicked intent!"
verse 27
Refusing Gods' Grace~ "It is not because He is unwilling to forgive that He turns from the transgressor; it is because the sinner refuses to make use of the abundant provisions of grace, that God is unable to deliver from sin." PK 323
Psalms 21
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Beware of the Diet Fads.....It's been going on for years....
The idea for this post came from a conversation with my Mother in law.
She was talking about her need to lose weight. SO she began to tell me about a diet Dr that she and her sister went to about 28 years ago. I will share what she told me - NOT to encourage anyone to do these things BUT to show how ridiculous it is and how it could never be a long term way of life. Unless you continue to go to him and get the pills he was selling - which I guess was truly the point of what He was doing- setting himself up for long term patients....
They were limited to 800 calories a day. He suggested they have "150 calories for breakfast and for lunch and then 500 calories for supper - to get them through the night."
So she began to tell me what she would eat. And it was sad because it seemed that because she was limited in calories - she hardly included any fruits or vegetable to her menu.
I don't think that I have heard of any Dr ever suggesting a person go SO low in calories. But I guess it helped him - because since his patients would be hungry then he could prescribe them appetite suppressants.
I have to add something here - I really don't think it is a good idea to watch your calories - because I think that when people watch their calories - they seem to bypass healthy things like fruit and veggies - not wanting to "waste" their calories. But truthfully fruit and veggies don't make you fat. The truth is "fat" is what makes you fat. Now don't go crazy and do without fat - because we need fat - but by choosing the healthy fats- we give our bodies the things it needs. In the book that I read that opened my eyes to the importance of watching your fat intakes suggested that women keep their fat grams between 20- 40 grams a day. And for men- 30-60 grams. In my experience when you take your fat intake too low - your immune system is not able to work as well. Anyway - there are my two cents.
So the diet dr had them go on super low calorie diets- and then would prescribe meds for them. It was not something anyone could do for long term - it was a quick fix - an expensive quick fix. Losing weight does not need to cost a lot of money. Please do not fall for all the hype of the newest diets- that involve you spending lots of money on their special supplements. Spend your money on a variety of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and beans. That is where your money needs to go - on good food that God intended us to eat.
You can lose weight without using crazy low calorie diets. You can lose weight without buying expensive diet aids. Please don't fall for the crazy diet fads. Choose the lifestyle strategies that can lead to better health as well as weight loss. Many of the fad diets- don't lead to health - in fact, when followed long term lead to health issues.
She was talking about her need to lose weight. SO she began to tell me about a diet Dr that she and her sister went to about 28 years ago. I will share what she told me - NOT to encourage anyone to do these things BUT to show how ridiculous it is and how it could never be a long term way of life. Unless you continue to go to him and get the pills he was selling - which I guess was truly the point of what He was doing- setting himself up for long term patients....
They were limited to 800 calories a day. He suggested they have "150 calories for breakfast and for lunch and then 500 calories for supper - to get them through the night."
So she began to tell me what she would eat. And it was sad because it seemed that because she was limited in calories - she hardly included any fruits or vegetable to her menu.
I don't think that I have heard of any Dr ever suggesting a person go SO low in calories. But I guess it helped him - because since his patients would be hungry then he could prescribe them appetite suppressants.
I have to add something here - I really don't think it is a good idea to watch your calories - because I think that when people watch their calories - they seem to bypass healthy things like fruit and veggies - not wanting to "waste" their calories. But truthfully fruit and veggies don't make you fat. The truth is "fat" is what makes you fat. Now don't go crazy and do without fat - because we need fat - but by choosing the healthy fats- we give our bodies the things it needs. In the book that I read that opened my eyes to the importance of watching your fat intakes suggested that women keep their fat grams between 20- 40 grams a day. And for men- 30-60 grams. In my experience when you take your fat intake too low - your immune system is not able to work as well. Anyway - there are my two cents.
So the diet dr had them go on super low calorie diets- and then would prescribe meds for them. It was not something anyone could do for long term - it was a quick fix - an expensive quick fix. Losing weight does not need to cost a lot of money. Please do not fall for all the hype of the newest diets- that involve you spending lots of money on their special supplements. Spend your money on a variety of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and beans. That is where your money needs to go - on good food that God intended us to eat.
You can lose weight without using crazy low calorie diets. You can lose weight without buying expensive diet aids. Please don't fall for the crazy diet fads. Choose the lifestyle strategies that can lead to better health as well as weight loss. Many of the fad diets- don't lead to health - in fact, when followed long term lead to health issues.
Brain 19
Proverbs 19
"A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape."
verse 5
Nothing but the Truth~ "Truth is of God; deception in all its myriad forms is of Satan, and whoever in any way departs from the straight line of truth is betraying himself into the power of the wicked one." PK 252
Psalms 19
"A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape."
verse 5
Nothing but the Truth~ "Truth is of God; deception in all its myriad forms is of Satan, and whoever in any way departs from the straight line of truth is betraying himself into the power of the wicked one." PK 252
Psalms 19
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
The Wall
I have been what most would consider overweight most of my adult life. I think back to my first diet, I was probably about 16 years old. I remember being so proud when I fit into a size 12 or 14 pair of jeans. The loss was short lived because I didn't have the knowledge of how to maintain my weight.
Several more times as an adult I attempted to lose weight. When I read the book "The T Factor" book that talked about fat making a person fat- I have learned a lot of valuable information that I still utilize to this day.
Then there was the time six or seven years ago when I went to the seminar with Dr B. He taught the importance of a plant based diet and all the healthy benefits that go along side it. I worked hard and lost 50 pounds that year.
What do all of these attempts at weight loss have in common? ....
The fact that I could only keep up those "diets" a year. It seemed as though there was a wall that would magically appear out of no where at a year and off the diet wagon I would fall.
The weight gain wasn't sudden- it just seemed to creep on, slowly as to not get my attention. Then one day I'd realize that I needed bigger clothes.
This wall seemed to get the best of my every single time.
Sometimes when I know I was gonna have to increase my clothing size- I would make several attempts at losing weight, only to hit the wall- it was so challenging to lose weight and since that was my only motivation, I would give up when I didn't see any weight loss. It was all very discouraging.
This year when I approached the beginning of July, I felt a little anxious. That wall has won every time until now. Would it win again?
With God's help I choose to continue to work towards better health and weight loss. I am discovering it has to be about more than just weight loss, because no matter how much effort you put out- you don't always see a reward on the scales. Sometimes you exercise 6 out of 7 days and make fairly good choices and still don't see the scales move(had this experience more that I would like). It has to be about more than weight loss, if not the wall will win again.
I am so happy to report that not only am I still on track towards a healthier lifestyle, but I continue to learn things to help me along this journey.
There may be walls but we don't have to let them win!
I am facing another wall. It has been very powerful in the past at derailing, but I continue to learn of God and depend on Him to get me through. I will share about t as soon as I get a chance.
Several more times as an adult I attempted to lose weight. When I read the book "The T Factor" book that talked about fat making a person fat- I have learned a lot of valuable information that I still utilize to this day.
Then there was the time six or seven years ago when I went to the seminar with Dr B. He taught the importance of a plant based diet and all the healthy benefits that go along side it. I worked hard and lost 50 pounds that year.
What do all of these attempts at weight loss have in common? ....
The fact that I could only keep up those "diets" a year. It seemed as though there was a wall that would magically appear out of no where at a year and off the diet wagon I would fall.
The weight gain wasn't sudden- it just seemed to creep on, slowly as to not get my attention. Then one day I'd realize that I needed bigger clothes.
This wall seemed to get the best of my every single time.
Sometimes when I know I was gonna have to increase my clothing size- I would make several attempts at losing weight, only to hit the wall- it was so challenging to lose weight and since that was my only motivation, I would give up when I didn't see any weight loss. It was all very discouraging.
This year when I approached the beginning of July, I felt a little anxious. That wall has won every time until now. Would it win again?
With God's help I choose to continue to work towards better health and weight loss. I am discovering it has to be about more than just weight loss, because no matter how much effort you put out- you don't always see a reward on the scales. Sometimes you exercise 6 out of 7 days and make fairly good choices and still don't see the scales move(had this experience more that I would like). It has to be about more than weight loss, if not the wall will win again.
I am so happy to report that not only am I still on track towards a healthier lifestyle, but I continue to learn things to help me along this journey.
There may be walls but we don't have to let them win!
I am facing another wall. It has been very powerful in the past at derailing, but I continue to learn of God and depend on Him to get me through. I will share about t as soon as I get a chance.
Brain 18
Proverbs 18
The Lord our Refuge~ "We cannot save ourselves from the tempter's power; he has conquered humanity, and when we try to stand in our own strength, we shall become a pray to his devices; but "the name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10). Satan trembles and flees before the weakest soul who finds refuge in that mighty name." DA 131
Psalms 18
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
The righteous run to it and are safe."
Verse 10
The Lord our Refuge~ "We cannot save ourselves from the tempter's power; he has conquered humanity, and when we try to stand in our own strength, we shall become a pray to his devices; but "the name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10). Satan trembles and flees before the weakest soul who finds refuge in that mighty name." DA 131
Psalms 18
Monday, July 17, 2017
Brain 17
Proverbs 17
"A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones."
Verse 22
"Gratitude, rejoicing, benevolence, trust inGod's love and care- these are health's greatest safeguards. To the Israelites they were to be the very keynote of life." Ministry of Healing
~ sorry no link today- you can always go to the post that had the link to all the online books to look it up. I'm having issues with my desk top computer and not quite sure hot to do the links with my iPad.
Hope you all are doing well. :)
Psalms 17
"A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones."
Verse 22
"Gratitude, rejoicing, benevolence, trust inGod's love and care- these are health's greatest safeguards. To the Israelites they were to be the very keynote of life." Ministry of Healing
~ sorry no link today- you can always go to the post that had the link to all the online books to look it up. I'm having issues with my desk top computer and not quite sure hot to do the links with my iPad.
Hope you all are doing well. :)
Psalms 17
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Patience Paying Off - 2 unexpected blessings
So a several weeks ago, I was shopping at a favorite thrift store. I came across a cute little black summer dress with white designs on it. I really liked it but I was quite sure if I should pay the 5.50 since I still plan to lose at least 15 pounds. Anyway so I passed it up. Then the next week, I went to the same store and the dress was marked down to 50% off. Well I just didn't feel right getting it, so I didn't.
The next Monday - I began to think about the dress. I thought about the fact that this week - that dress should be 75% off - making it 1.38!! Since the store is about a 20 minute drive - and in a town that I would be going to the next day for an appointment - I asked my sister, who lives in that town, if by any chance she would be going to that store and if so if the dress was still there to get it for me. Well lots of things came up in her schedule and by the time she got around to going to the store at about 2pm - I was sure that even if the dress had been there that morning that it would be gone by the time she got there- BUT I was lucky! The dress what still there. And I have kind of figured out why - the dress was originally a 3/4 sleeved dress - that someone make into a sleeveless top. And being hot natured like I am - the sleeveless works much better for me than the 3/4 sleeved dress would have. Plus it is a light weight fabric - so really the sleeveless was the way to go. Plus I didn't have to do the work to alter it! :)
Second unexpected blessings- about a week or so after I got the black and white dress another amazing thing happened. For several weeks I had noticed a great maxi dress at my local favorite thrift store. She usually only charges $3.00 for dresses - but because of the spaghetti straps I really hadn't thought I should get the dress. I don't have a strapless bra and I just didn't know if it would be a wise purchase to get this dress and then have to buy a strapless bra. Anyway so I passed it up several weeks in a row. Then one Sunday when I got to the thrift store - I noticed a sign on the door, it said, "All clothing $1.00 a piece" Wow! I was excited. I thought - I am going to go check out the clothes and see what I can find. My sister has found the cutest jean jacket at this store and I found my white jean jacket with the paisley pattern in black threading there. So I knew I wanted to see if there were any treasures I could find. And as I looked at the dress rack - there was the beautiful maxi dress I had been eyeing. Oh!! I knew I had to buy it! For $1.00 it was worth it to me - to have to purchase a strapless bra- plus I had already had to pass up some cute summer tops because of not having a strapless bra - so I bought it and I love it! I can not wait to get a chance to go get myself a new bra so I can wear this dress. Oh - I will need to hem it - but that is the case with any maxi dress I buy. I can't believe how tall these manufactures think we women are!....
The next Monday - I began to think about the dress. I thought about the fact that this week - that dress should be 75% off - making it 1.38!! Since the store is about a 20 minute drive - and in a town that I would be going to the next day for an appointment - I asked my sister, who lives in that town, if by any chance she would be going to that store and if so if the dress was still there to get it for me. Well lots of things came up in her schedule and by the time she got around to going to the store at about 2pm - I was sure that even if the dress had been there that morning that it would be gone by the time she got there- BUT I was lucky! The dress what still there. And I have kind of figured out why - the dress was originally a 3/4 sleeved dress - that someone make into a sleeveless top. And being hot natured like I am - the sleeveless works much better for me than the 3/4 sleeved dress would have. Plus it is a light weight fabric - so really the sleeveless was the way to go. Plus I didn't have to do the work to alter it! :)
I bummed this photo, of how the dress originally looked, from Ebay - they have one for sale now -- in a smaller size than I wear.
Second unexpected blessings- about a week or so after I got the black and white dress another amazing thing happened. For several weeks I had noticed a great maxi dress at my local favorite thrift store. She usually only charges $3.00 for dresses - but because of the spaghetti straps I really hadn't thought I should get the dress. I don't have a strapless bra and I just didn't know if it would be a wise purchase to get this dress and then have to buy a strapless bra. Anyway so I passed it up several weeks in a row. Then one Sunday when I got to the thrift store - I noticed a sign on the door, it said, "All clothing $1.00 a piece" Wow! I was excited. I thought - I am going to go check out the clothes and see what I can find. My sister has found the cutest jean jacket at this store and I found my white jean jacket with the paisley pattern in black threading there. So I knew I wanted to see if there were any treasures I could find. And as I looked at the dress rack - there was the beautiful maxi dress I had been eyeing. Oh!! I knew I had to buy it! For $1.00 it was worth it to me - to have to purchase a strapless bra- plus I had already had to pass up some cute summer tops because of not having a strapless bra - so I bought it and I love it! I can not wait to get a chance to go get myself a new bra so I can wear this dress. Oh - I will need to hem it - but that is the case with any maxi dress I buy. I can't believe how tall these manufactures think we women are!....
Here is a listing for an XS one that ebay has right now. I certainly can not and will never be able to wear an XS and honestly - I have not desire to be that small - it would be an unrealistic goal for me. But this way you can see the dress. Once I get a bra and can were it I will try to get a photo of me wearing it to share with you all.
This dress has made me want to find a couple more summer dresses - I want to find some that have pockets- why don't dress makers realize that people like to have their phone with them- or their keys. Pockets are great! Hopefully I can find some dresses with pockets!!
So 2 dresses- I was able to get them as super great prices because I was patient. You can't beat a $1.00 dress! And especially one I love so much. The fabric is awesome! Can't wait to wear it and get some photos.
Brain 16
Proverbs 16
~ This quote is taken from the book "The Great Controversy" - you may click on link here to check out the entire book.
Psalms 16
"There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death."
verse 25
Following Our Own Way : "Ignorance is no excuse for error or sin, when there is every opportunity to know the will of God. A man is traveling and comes to a place where there are several roads and a guideboard indicating where each one leads. If he disregards the guideboard, and takes whichever road seems to him to be right, he may ne ever so sincere, but will in all probability find himself on the wrong road." GC 597, 598
~ This quote is taken from the book "The Great Controversy" - you may click on link here to check out the entire book.
Psalms 16
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Brain 15
Proverbs 15
Psalms 15
"A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger."
verse 1
Silence can be golden: "If impatient words are spoken to you, never reply in the same spirit. Remember that "a soft answer turneth away wrath"(Proverbs 15:1) And there is wonderful power in silence. Words spoken in reply to one who is angry sometimes serves only to exasperate. But anger met with silence, in a tender, forbearing spirit, quickly dies away." MH 486
If you are interested in reading more in Ministries of Healing - click on the link - it will take you to this book - and the chapter that this quote is taken from. You can always go to the link at the left of the page that says -"Online Books" to check out all the books available there!
Ok - I guess you can't- sorry I didn't realize that. So I added a link to the main page showing what books are available online. Psalms 15
Friday, July 14, 2017
Brain 14
Proverbs 14
"There is a way that seems right to a man, But it's end is the way of death."
Verse 12
"In deciding upon any course of action we are not to ask whether we can see that harm will result from it, but whether it is in keeping with the will of God." PP 634
Psalms 14
Verse 12
"In deciding upon any course of action we are not to ask whether we can see that harm will result from it, but whether it is in keeping with the will of God." PP 634
Psalms 14
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Brain Health..series...Day 13
Sorry~ I've been super busy with extra responsibility so I wasn't able to get a post written up. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get one done for tomorrow.
I have some great ideas for some posts, but jus need to find the time to get them written up and posted. Hope you all are doing well. :)
** Oh and an update of the cute little denim dress I bought for $7.50~ I got it and it fits pretty well- but will do much better in about 10 pounds. I'm looking at it as an investment in me- the me that reaches her goal. There is no giving up for me! God led in the making and setting of the goal~ He will give me strength and courage to reach that goal, in His time! :)
Proverbs 13
Psalms 13
I have some great ideas for some posts, but jus need to find the time to get them written up and posted. Hope you all are doing well. :)
** Oh and an update of the cute little denim dress I bought for $7.50~ I got it and it fits pretty well- but will do much better in about 10 pounds. I'm looking at it as an investment in me- the me that reaches her goal. There is no giving up for me! God led in the making and setting of the goal~ He will give me strength and courage to reach that goal, in His time! :)
Proverbs 13
Psalms 13
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Brain Health..series...Day 12
Proverbs 12
Psalms 12
"There is one who speaks like the piercing of a sword.
But the tongue of the wise promotes health."
verse 18
Harsh Words~ "In one moment, by the hasty, passionate, careless tongue, may be wrought evil that a whole lifetimes repentance cannot undo. Oh, the hearts that are broken, the friends estranged, the lives wrecked, by the harsh, hasty words of those who might have brought help and healing!"
Psalms 12
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
A new secret tool to finding deals....
I have been looking forward to sharing a money saving tip with you all but needed to have time to get to my computer to add links to the post.
Sunday my husband and I stopped by Walmart to pick up a few needed items. I decided to have a quick look around the clothing department. Now that I am smaller- I realize I have more of a chance of finding some good deals on the clearance racks so I try to check them out ever so often.
As I was walking around I noticed a rack that had cute denim dresses. Well of course I had to go look at them! They were 13.97 or there about. They did not have the size I would want. I did hold one of the next size down up to me to see the length and was happy with the fact that it looked like it would come down an inch or two below my knees- I prefer my dresses to come down past the knee.
photo from Walmart website
I don't know why for sure, but later that day I decided to look the dresses up on-line. And boy was I surprised when I saw the prices~ $6.00-$7.50 is what they said they would be on clearance!! Almost a 50% off savings!! Now what is awesome about that is the fact that when I go to a consignment store nearby(the one I take some clothes to ever so often to sell) many times for dresses - I have to pay $7.99 or up. So the $7.50 for this dress is a great deal. I ordered it and will be able to pick it up from my store in a couple of days. I am so hoping that it works for me!! It will be a great piece of clothing.
I am looking for a jean jacket - so when the weather got cooler - I could continue to where this great dress if I added the jean jacket!!!
I am looking for a jean jacket - so when the weather got cooler - I could continue to where this great dress if I added the jean jacket!!!
The next day I ended up having to stop by another Walmart to get a birthday present for a party that our granddaughter has been invited to. And I checked to see if they had the dresses and if they had been marked down there- they hadn't. It is a deal you only find on-line.
So if you are looking to buy things from Walmart, be sure to look it up on line - It will be well worth waiting a few days if you, too, can get the item for 50% off!! I am kind of cheap and not used to spending $15.00 for a dress- so I sure was happy to find this one for such a great deal!!
Brain Health...series..Day 11
Proverbs 11
Psalms 11
"There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty."
verse 24
"Blessings Increased~ "the sower multiplies his seed by casting it away. So it is with those who are faithful in distributing God's gifts. By imparting they increase their blessings."
Psalms 11
Monday, July 10, 2017
Could it be that easy?
Here in Texas it has gotten quite warm. I love living in Texas, but I have to admit summer is my least favorite season. Thankful that we have the our granddaughter because it helps distract me from the heat a bit. Except that I sure wished that we got her for a month, during a cooler month. I think of all the awesome things we could do. The time we could spend at the park and all.
Our Air conditioning has not be cooling our house evenly for a while. There seems to be cooler places and warmer places, thankfully the master bedroom is cool place in the house. We have decided that when it gets cooler we are gonna see if we need to have our duct work redone.
Our main bathroom has been quite warm. In fact, this weekend I was in there and thought that the duct must have gotten unhooked from ac because it felt quite warm when I reached my hand up to see if I could feel air coming in. Since with the humidity option felt like 100 outside our son suggested that we take the vent off and see if we could tell what the problem was from there. Come to find out the duct some how got smashed and thankfully my husband was able to get it opened up without having to go into the attic. You could tell the difference instantly.
We decided that it would be a good idea to check the other vents, especially in the rooms that were not as cool. It was amazing the difference that was felt at the moment the vents were taken down. It seems the older vent covers had a lot more metal pieces in it that seemed to block the airflow out of the vents. We decided to change out all the air vents. It has made a good bit of difference, for which we are grateful!!
When the high demand for A/C usage goes down and we get to my favorite kind of weather, you know the kind that I can regulate the temperature in the house by opening windows and closing Windows?! That's when we will have the A/C guy come out and check our duct work. We also plan to work towards tryouts not to get more insulation in the attic.
Anyway the vents cost about 8.00 for the smaller ones and 11.00 for the 2 larger ones we needed. So fairly inexpensive when you realize the difference that it made!! Thankful for this easy fix to help our house be more comfortable. If your house is having a hard time staying cool during this hot summer, you may want to check your vents and see if it could be a solution for you.
Our Air conditioning has not be cooling our house evenly for a while. There seems to be cooler places and warmer places, thankfully the master bedroom is cool place in the house. We have decided that when it gets cooler we are gonna see if we need to have our duct work redone.
Our main bathroom has been quite warm. In fact, this weekend I was in there and thought that the duct must have gotten unhooked from ac because it felt quite warm when I reached my hand up to see if I could feel air coming in. Since with the humidity option felt like 100 outside our son suggested that we take the vent off and see if we could tell what the problem was from there. Come to find out the duct some how got smashed and thankfully my husband was able to get it opened up without having to go into the attic. You could tell the difference instantly.
We decided that it would be a good idea to check the other vents, especially in the rooms that were not as cool. It was amazing the difference that was felt at the moment the vents were taken down. It seems the older vent covers had a lot more metal pieces in it that seemed to block the airflow out of the vents. We decided to change out all the air vents. It has made a good bit of difference, for which we are grateful!!
When the high demand for A/C usage goes down and we get to my favorite kind of weather, you know the kind that I can regulate the temperature in the house by opening windows and closing Windows?! That's when we will have the A/C guy come out and check our duct work. We also plan to work towards tryouts not to get more insulation in the attic.
Anyway the vents cost about 8.00 for the smaller ones and 11.00 for the 2 larger ones we needed. So fairly inexpensive when you realize the difference that it made!! Thankful for this easy fix to help our house be more comfortable. If your house is having a hard time staying cool during this hot summer, you may want to check your vents and see if it could be a solution for you.
Brain Health..series...Day 10
Proverbs 10
Proverbs 10:12. Hatred stirreth up strife — Upon every slight occasion, by filling men’s minds with suspicions and surmises, whereby they imagine faults where there are none, and aggravate every small offence; but love covereth all sins — Either doth not severely observe, or willingly forgives and forgets the injuries and offences of others, and so prevents contention and mischief.
Psalms 10
"Hatred stirs up strife: but love covers all sins."
verse 12
Today I didn't have a lot of time so I was looking on the Bible Hub website for this verse since it really stood out to me. I had actually thought of this verse several months ago, so I wanted to study up about it more. I really like this from the Benson Commentary: click on the "Benson Commentary" and it will take you to the Bible Hub page for this verse.
Psalms 10
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Sometimes it takes longer than 21 days...
It is said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. And in many cases that may be true, but many times it takes longer than 21 days. Sometimes it may take up to a year to really get it to stick.
If you are working on forming a new habit- don't give up if on day 22 you fall back out of the habit you are trying to establish. Just get back up - dust yourself off and try again. The main thing is not to give up just because you have a relapse. These things happen, the secret is just don't give up. If you continue working towards healthier habits, you will one day be surprised to do those healthier things without even thinking about it and realize this is just what I do.
The longer I work towards better health - the more I enjoy the aspects of working towards my goals of better health. And how I miss out when I am not able to. Speaking of - Friday morning I had planned on trying to get a Rise Up workout with weights in before my granddaughter woke up. I had my iPad and my weights with me - all ready to go and what happened? My granddaughter woke up at 7am - before I could get my workout in. I was disappointed. But since Friday is a busy day for me - I just decided to just go with the flow - there will be plenty of time to workout with my weights. For now - I need to take advantage of the time with SweetPea.
So please remember - don't give up if it seems that you just can't seem to develop a new habit that you have really felt impressed to do. Just keep at it. One day it will be a new habit if you don't give up. Be persistent. :O)
***Oh - be on the look out for a great post that I have planned to write. It's about Patience Paying Off - 2 unexpected blessings.
If you are working on forming a new habit- don't give up if on day 22 you fall back out of the habit you are trying to establish. Just get back up - dust yourself off and try again. The main thing is not to give up just because you have a relapse. These things happen, the secret is just don't give up. If you continue working towards healthier habits, you will one day be surprised to do those healthier things without even thinking about it and realize this is just what I do.
The longer I work towards better health - the more I enjoy the aspects of working towards my goals of better health. And how I miss out when I am not able to. Speaking of - Friday morning I had planned on trying to get a Rise Up workout with weights in before my granddaughter woke up. I had my iPad and my weights with me - all ready to go and what happened? My granddaughter woke up at 7am - before I could get my workout in. I was disappointed. But since Friday is a busy day for me - I just decided to just go with the flow - there will be plenty of time to workout with my weights. For now - I need to take advantage of the time with SweetPea.
So please remember - don't give up if it seems that you just can't seem to develop a new habit that you have really felt impressed to do. Just keep at it. One day it will be a new habit if you don't give up. Be persistent. :O)
***Oh - be on the look out for a great post that I have planned to write. It's about Patience Paying Off - 2 unexpected blessings.
Brain Health..series..Day 9
Proverbs 9
True Education. "The great work of life is character building, and a knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education. To impart this knowledge and to mold the character in harmony with it should be the object of the teacher's work. The law of God is a reflection of His character....God has revealed Himself to us in His word and in the works of creation. Through the volume of inspiration and the book of nature we are to obtain a knowledge of God." PP 595
~as always if you would like to read more around this quote - click on the link. :O)
Psalms 9
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
True Education. "The great work of life is character building, and a knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education. To impart this knowledge and to mold the character in harmony with it should be the object of the teacher's work. The law of God is a reflection of His character....God has revealed Himself to us in His word and in the works of creation. Through the volume of inspiration and the book of nature we are to obtain a knowledge of God." PP 595
~as always if you would like to read more around this quote - click on the link. :O)
Psalms 9
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Brain 8
Proverbs 8
Reap What You Sow~ " God is the foundation of life; and when one chooses the service of sin, he separates from God, and thus cuts himself off from life....God gives (those who are cut off) existence for a time that they may develop their character and reveal their principles. This accomplished, they receive the results of their own choice. By a life of rebellion, Satan and all who unite with him place themselves so out of harmony with God that His very presence is to them a consuming fire. The glory of Him who is love will destroy them." DA 764
If you are interested in a great book about the life of Christ - the book - "The Desire of Ages" is a wonderful book.
Psalms 8
Reap What You Sow~ " God is the foundation of life; and when one chooses the service of sin, he separates from God, and thus cuts himself off from life....God gives (those who are cut off) existence for a time that they may develop their character and reveal their principles. This accomplished, they receive the results of their own choice. By a life of rebellion, Satan and all who unite with him place themselves so out of harmony with God that His very presence is to them a consuming fire. The glory of Him who is love will destroy them." DA 764
If you are interested in a great book about the life of Christ - the book - "The Desire of Ages" is a wonderful book.
Psalms 8
Friday, July 7, 2017
Excitement at 5AM!
well actually it was 5:30AM when my husband and I walked into the kitchen. Usually we both do our little jobs to help him get out the door and off to work, but something was different Thursday morning. I heard a notice. We had a thunderstorm roll through during the night. I thought what I was hearing was a really heavy down pour, but it wasn't. Soon I realized the notice was coming from outer garage. So I opened the back door and leaned out. I turned on the light to try to figure out what was going on.
Apparently a hose to the washer had busted and water was shooting everywhere!!! My husband tried to use a nearby piece of wood for a shield to get close enough to turn the water off, poor thing got soaked. We ended up having to turn off the water at the meter, that's at the back of the yard. Water was everywhere!
I know I had really wanted to clean up around the washer and dryer, but i could have done with out the maybe hours of water spewing around our garage, for who knows how long.... Since it rained over night we can't tell how extensive the water from our garage went. All we know is a large chunk know of our garage was flooded.
Thankfully my son was able to get the water turned off at the hose so we had water to the house again. Because so much time was spent trying to deal with this unexpected excitement, I wasn't able to get my shower and ready for the day before going to my other sons house to wait while Our sweet granddaughter slept. Luckily, I took my iPad with me and was able to get a Rise Up workout in. This has been a goal of mine this month, to continue to work towards better fitness. Well actually the goal is to retain the fitness I have gained so far. I'm working at not losing the improvements that I have achieved so far. Remember the post I did last week( I believe) that said how quickly we can lose our fitness when we neglect to spend time working towards it. It's not automatic. If we want to be in better physical shape- we have to work towards that goal. More time moving, less time sitting. And a lovely reward of working towards fitness and moving more, is that we will enjoy our shorter time spent sitting...much more than we did before!
So for those of you with wash machines, when was the last time you changed those hoses? If nothing else my excitement this morning might be a god d reason for you to look at your hoses and see what shape they are in. They really ought to be changed ever so often. It could save you from this not so fun excitement.
Apparently a hose to the washer had busted and water was shooting everywhere!!! My husband tried to use a nearby piece of wood for a shield to get close enough to turn the water off, poor thing got soaked. We ended up having to turn off the water at the meter, that's at the back of the yard. Water was everywhere!
I know I had really wanted to clean up around the washer and dryer, but i could have done with out the maybe hours of water spewing around our garage, for who knows how long.... Since it rained over night we can't tell how extensive the water from our garage went. All we know is a large chunk know of our garage was flooded.
Thankfully my son was able to get the water turned off at the hose so we had water to the house again. Because so much time was spent trying to deal with this unexpected excitement, I wasn't able to get my shower and ready for the day before going to my other sons house to wait while Our sweet granddaughter slept. Luckily, I took my iPad with me and was able to get a Rise Up workout in. This has been a goal of mine this month, to continue to work towards better fitness. Well actually the goal is to retain the fitness I have gained so far. I'm working at not losing the improvements that I have achieved so far. Remember the post I did last week( I believe) that said how quickly we can lose our fitness when we neglect to spend time working towards it. It's not automatic. If we want to be in better physical shape- we have to work towards that goal. More time moving, less time sitting. And a lovely reward of working towards fitness and moving more, is that we will enjoy our shorter time spent sitting...much more than we did before!
So for those of you with wash machines, when was the last time you changed those hoses? If nothing else my excitement this morning might be a god d reason for you to look at your hoses and see what shape they are in. They really ought to be changed ever so often. It could save you from this not so fun excitement.
Brain Health..series..Day 7
Proverbs 7
Another chapter speaking of the dangers of adultery -but we can also look at this as the dangers of being taken away from our first love- Jesus Christ.
Seduced From Integrity ~ "The Israelites, who could not be overcome by the arms or by the enchantments of Midian, fell a pray to her harlots. Such is the power that woman, enlisted in the service of Satan, has exerted to entrap and destroy souls... It was thus that the children of Seth were seduced from their integrity. ....It was thus that Joseph was tempted. Thus Samson betrayed his strength...Here David stumbled. And Solomon....sacrificed his integrity to the same bewitching power." PP 457
Psalms 7
Another chapter speaking of the dangers of adultery -but we can also look at this as the dangers of being taken away from our first love- Jesus Christ.
Seduced From Integrity ~ "The Israelites, who could not be overcome by the arms or by the enchantments of Midian, fell a pray to her harlots. Such is the power that woman, enlisted in the service of Satan, has exerted to entrap and destroy souls... It was thus that the children of Seth were seduced from their integrity. ....It was thus that Joseph was tempted. Thus Samson betrayed his strength...Here David stumbled. And Solomon....sacrificed his integrity to the same bewitching power." PP 457
Psalms 7
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Persistance Pays Off
Sometimes our weight loss goals seem over whelming.
But when we follow God's plan of taking care of our selves, by eating the fabulous foods that He created for us to eat, and making sure we get some exercise of some sort every day(or most every day) slowly we will make steps in the right direction. Sometimes it may seem overwhelming and we might get tempted to think we can't do it. But we can't give up.
If we continue on - we will be like this bug - who came across this piece of dung - that he wanted - although it was much larger than he, he worked and worked and was making great progress as I watched him.
Another fabulous lesson from nature. Just keep your eyes open and pay attention- when you are not distracted by the noise of the world - you might be surprised at the lessons you will learn. :O)
Brain 6
Our chapter in Proverbs covers several different topics today. Like all of Proverbs - I think there is a lot of wisdom that will be unwrapped like the layers of an onion. We just have to be willing to dig a little deeper.
I especially liked verse 6 which says:
We can gain a lot of wisdom from nature. So many lessons are gained by being out in nature, at the park, working in my garden, watching my chickens and so much more.
Lessons Through Nature: "The ant teach lessons of patient industry, of perseverance in surmounting obstacles, of providence for the future. And the birds are teachers of the sweet lesson of trust. Our heavenly Father provides for them; but they must gather the food, they must build their nests and rear their young. Every moment they are exposed to enemies that seek to destroy them. Yet how cheerily they go about their work! how full of joy are their little songs!" Ed 117,118
*As always~ If you would like to read more of the chapter with this quote - follow the link. The whole entire book is available to read there as well. It is called "Education"
Proverbs 6
Psalms 6
I especially liked verse 6 which says:
"Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise."
Lessons Through Nature: "The ant teach lessons of patient industry, of perseverance in surmounting obstacles, of providence for the future. And the birds are teachers of the sweet lesson of trust. Our heavenly Father provides for them; but they must gather the food, they must build their nests and rear their young. Every moment they are exposed to enemies that seek to destroy them. Yet how cheerily they go about their work! how full of joy are their little songs!" Ed 117,118
*As always~ If you would like to read more of the chapter with this quote - follow the link. The whole entire book is available to read there as well. It is called "Education"
Proverbs 6
Psalms 6
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
The Dangers of Crutches
Crutches can be helpful, but sometimes using certain crutches can be injurious to our health. When people injure their feet or legs- they often have to use crutches in order to give their injury a chance to heal. In this case, crutches are a good thing. But crutches are not always good.
I have several different friends on Facebook who are very passionate about the newest weight lose product. I have written about it before, but wanted to revisit it just for a bit in order to share the danger I see in this kind of product. These friends have seen some weight loss and such by using said product. But there is a problem that I see- several in fact.
These products are expensive - costing a single person about $200. a month just for the product. How long can a person pay that kind of money for a product(that in all reality is not really needed?- maybe this is the reason for all the passion behind the product - if I can blow up how wonderful this product is - I can sell it and make the money needed to supply my own needs for it?) Not to mention - the fact that many of these types of products have not been tested long term for safety. And to be honest - even when they are - how skewed are the results?
So when a person uses a product for weight loss, what happens many times? They lose the weight but then they are stuck - having to continue using the product - or stop taking product and more than likely gain the weight back and more. That kind of crutch is dangerous.
There is good news though. God has already provided us what we need for weight loss. It is the wonderful foods that He created for our food in the first place. Our Bibles are our best resource when it comes to how to take care of these bodies that He created for us! The nutrients that we need are in the foods He has created for us. And in their natural forms are the best for us.
Please don't get swept away with the passionate posts on Facebook that talk about how wonderful this product is or that product. They are only crutches- and we don't have to spend $200 a month on them. Take that money and buy wonderful fruits and veggies. Try new things- you might be surprised - you may like them now. Don't use things that are temporary - make lifestyle changes- that are permanent and will help you get the results you want- it may take longer - but it will be done in a way that is good for your body and you will gain health. Good luck in your endeavors to better health.
I have several different friends on Facebook who are very passionate about the newest weight lose product. I have written about it before, but wanted to revisit it just for a bit in order to share the danger I see in this kind of product. These friends have seen some weight loss and such by using said product. But there is a problem that I see- several in fact.
These products are expensive - costing a single person about $200. a month just for the product. How long can a person pay that kind of money for a product(that in all reality is not really needed?- maybe this is the reason for all the passion behind the product - if I can blow up how wonderful this product is - I can sell it and make the money needed to supply my own needs for it?) Not to mention - the fact that many of these types of products have not been tested long term for safety. And to be honest - even when they are - how skewed are the results?
So when a person uses a product for weight loss, what happens many times? They lose the weight but then they are stuck - having to continue using the product - or stop taking product and more than likely gain the weight back and more. That kind of crutch is dangerous.
There is good news though. God has already provided us what we need for weight loss. It is the wonderful foods that He created for our food in the first place. Our Bibles are our best resource when it comes to how to take care of these bodies that He created for us! The nutrients that we need are in the foods He has created for us. And in their natural forms are the best for us.
Please don't get swept away with the passionate posts on Facebook that talk about how wonderful this product is or that product. They are only crutches- and we don't have to spend $200 a month on them. Take that money and buy wonderful fruits and veggies. Try new things- you might be surprised - you may like them now. Don't use things that are temporary - make lifestyle changes- that are permanent and will help you get the results you want- it may take longer - but it will be done in a way that is good for your body and you will gain health. Good luck in your endeavors to better health.
Brain Health..series...Day 5
Proverbs 5
Proverbs 5 is talking about "the Peril of Adultery." It starts with the dangers of going down That road - a road that leads to death.
We are then instructed to "rejoice with the wife of your youth." Of course this also could be "the husband."
In this sinful world there will be temptation but we can always call on Jesus for help. He will send His angels that excel in strength to help us in any temptation.
Here are a few of the verses that stood out to me. You can always hit the link to read the chapter on line or open your Bibles and follow along. Lots of wisdom to be found in the pages of our Bibles.
Psalms 5
Proverbs 5 is talking about "the Peril of Adultery." It starts with the dangers of going down That road - a road that leads to death.
We are then instructed to "rejoice with the wife of your youth." Of course this also could be "the husband."
In this sinful world there will be temptation but we can always call on Jesus for help. He will send His angels that excel in strength to help us in any temptation.
Here are a few of the verses that stood out to me. You can always hit the link to read the chapter on line or open your Bibles and follow along. Lots of wisdom to be found in the pages of our Bibles.
15 Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.
18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth.
21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He ponders all his paths.
23 He shall die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.
Psalms 5
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Brain Health...series... Day 4
I can't promise that I will be able to come to my blog and share some extra things, but I do hope that you will join me as we read through Proverbs and Psalms and see what all we can learn.
Proverbs 4
"Security in Wisdom" is the subtitle of the 4th chapter of Proverbs. And as I read through the chapter I could see why.
I love what the note for this verse said in my Andrews Study Bible said:
Principal thing~ Literally, "The beginning of wisdom (is to) acquire wisdom."; appreciating wisdom's value is basic to being wise; proper appreciating brings unswerving decision to get it."
I also especially liked verses 20-22
I think because I have had my own personal health issues in the past the very last part of verse 22 really spoke to me. "And health to all their flesh." I found a great quote in my SDA Commentary that I would love to share:
"The close relationship between the mind and body seems here to be indicated. Wisdom and understanding bring healing to the body as well to the soul. Folly, misunderstanding, anxiety, and quilt are common causes of physical and mental trouble(MH 241)" (If you would like to read more in the Ministry of Healing - click the link above.)
I think this is the reason why we are told in verse 23 to, "keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
If we are keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and surrendering our life's to Him, He will give us wisdom.
Stay focused on Jesus!! And seek after wisdom. :O)
Psalms 4
Proverbs 4
"Security in Wisdom" is the subtitle of the 4th chapter of Proverbs. And as I read through the chapter I could see why.
"Wisdom in the principal thing; Therefor get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7
I love what the note for this verse said in my Andrews Study Bible said:
Principal thing~ Literally, "The beginning of wisdom (is to) acquire wisdom."; appreciating wisdom's value is basic to being wise; proper appreciating brings unswerving decision to get it."
I also especially liked verses 20-22
20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.
I think because I have had my own personal health issues in the past the very last part of verse 22 really spoke to me. "And health to all their flesh." I found a great quote in my SDA Commentary that I would love to share:
"The close relationship between the mind and body seems here to be indicated. Wisdom and understanding bring healing to the body as well to the soul. Folly, misunderstanding, anxiety, and quilt are common causes of physical and mental trouble(MH 241)" (If you would like to read more in the Ministry of Healing - click the link above.)
I think this is the reason why we are told in verse 23 to, "keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
If we are keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and surrendering our life's to Him, He will give us wisdom.
"For I give you good doctrine: Do not forsake my law."
verse 2
4 He also taught me, and said to me: "Let your heart retain my words;
Keep my commands, and live".
verse 4
5 Get wisdom! Get understanding!
Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
verse 5
Stay focused on Jesus!! And seek after wisdom. :O)
Psalms 4
Monday, July 3, 2017
Brain Health..series...Day 3
I can't promise that I will be able to come to my blog and share some extra things, but I do hope that you will join me as we read through Proverbs and Psalms and see what all we can learn.
Proverbs 3
Verses 5 and 6 of Proverbs 3 are favorites of mine. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to study about them more.
Here are a few things that I found. First I looked at the notes in my Andrew's Study Bible and found this treasure:
Lean not~ Do not rely; self-trust receives rebuke.
Psalms 3
Proverbs 3
Verses 5 and 6 of Proverbs 3 are favorites of mine. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to study about them more.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Here are a few things that I found. First I looked at the notes in my Andrew's Study Bible and found this treasure:
Lean not~ Do not rely; self-trust receives rebuke.
26 He who trusts in his own heart is a fool,
But whoever walks wisely will be delivered.
Proverbs 28:26
I also found a few gems in my Commentary that I wanted to share:
"Trust in the LORD~ Entire trust in God is the only logical position for Christians to take; God has all knowledge and all power, and foresees and prepares against all the troubles that come upon man as sudden emergencies. For anyone to rely on his own understanding under such circumstances is foolish indeed. It is also folly to alternate between trust in self and trust in God.
To place little confidence in one's own understanding does not mean that a man must lay aside intelligence and give up the power of choice. Intelligence is needed to determine from the Word of God and from God's guiding providences what is the divine will. A will strengthened and cleansed by God is needed if one is to follow a true course through to the end.
He shall direct ~ Or, "it is He who will direct." The Hebrew emphasizes that God, Himself will make straight and plain the path of His servants when His servant acknowledges Him in every phase of Life's many activities."
Exercise and Cholesterol....

Had a little extra time and wanted to share another little health tidbit that will help in your journey towards better health.
Another quote from this book. Some important information for us all.
"A group of medical students volunteers were placed on diets where each received the same amount of cholesterol, fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Then they were free to select exercise programs they liked- volleyball, tennis, swimming, running, and others.
Daily blood cholesterol levels were taken. The level dropped in all cases within three days. By the end of the week the drip was substantial.
Then the activities were stopped. Soon, the cholesterol in the blood returned to pre-experiment levels. In some cases the levels were a little higher.
Next, the students were placed on treadmills- no more enjoyable sports! The exercise was just as strenuous as the previous sports. Then came the surprise when the blood was tested. The cholesterol failed to drop in most cases. In a few it went up.
Returning again to activities they enjoyed, the students had a drop in cholesterol in every case.
The experiment shows the importance of attitude. A negative attitude produces enough stress to counteract the benefits of exercise. The message is clear. Learn to like what you are doing in your activity program. Or change that activity to one you enjoy.
Some persons don't enjoy exercise. They were born that way, they say. But activity, like certain foods, is something you can learn to like. I remember the first time I tasted avocados. I didn't like them. Now they are one of my favorite foods. You may not enjoy walking at first, but you can acquire a taste for it-- and walking is one of the best forms of exercise."
And remember this:
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Brain Health..series...Day 2
Brain Health is very important. One of the thing that the speaker of the seminar on Brain Health said is that we can obtain better brain health if we read through Proverbs. She suggested, as many others have, to read the chapter that corresponds with the date of the month. I was hoping to be able to actually have the proverbs here each day - but it looks like it would be so much easier for me to post a link to the proverbs each day. The positive thing about having a link is that you will have access to some tools to help you dig deeper into scripture. So I will be adding a link each day to the Proverbs that we are on. The link will take you to the site blue letter bible. I hope that you will join me each day in reading through Proverbs.
A friend of mine says that she has gotten a real blessing by reading through Psalms at the same time as she reads through Proverbs. When she gets finished with Proverbs - she starts over - but continues on in Psalms until she is finished - so she would end up reading through Proverbs almost 5 times by the time she would finally get through the book of Psalms. I think that this would be a great idea. So I will also be adding a link to the chapter in Psalms for that day- so you too, can read both together.
She said it was very interesting how the chapters would compliment each other.
Proverbs 2
So I thought that as I read these chapters I would see if anything pops out at me - and if so maybe write about it - or share quotes or notes about the verse. Today in chapter 2 - verse 8 stood out to me.
A friend of mine says that she has gotten a real blessing by reading through Psalms at the same time as she reads through Proverbs. When she gets finished with Proverbs - she starts over - but continues on in Psalms until she is finished - so she would end up reading through Proverbs almost 5 times by the time she would finally get through the book of Psalms. I think that this would be a great idea. So I will also be adding a link to the chapter in Psalms for that day- so you too, can read both together.
She said it was very interesting how the chapters would compliment each other.
Proverbs 2
So I thought that as I read these chapters I would see if anything pops out at me - and if so maybe write about it - or share quotes or notes about the verse. Today in chapter 2 - verse 8 stood out to me.
8 He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.
Proverbs 2:8
In my Andrew's Study Bible I found a neat little not about this verse:
preserves the way~ The expression may apply both to divine protection from harm. And divine guidance for appropriate behavior.
Then I checked out my SDA Bible Commentaries. (Have I mentioned how much I love this green set of books!)
Preserveth the way~ Those who walk in the broad path of sin have rejected the protection of God, but those in the narrow way of righteousness are His special care. All the forces of heaven are instantly available to guide, strengthen, and protect them.
Isn't that beautiful?! All we have to do is call for help and He will provide!! :O)
Psalms 2
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Brain Health..series..Day 1
Brain Health is very important. One of the thing that the speaker of the seminar on Brain Health said is that we can obtain better brain health if we read through Proverbs. She suggested, as many others have, to read the chapter that corresponds with the date of the month. I was hoping to be able to actually have the proverbs here each day - but it looks like it would be so much easier for me to post a link to the proverbs each day. The positive thing about having a link is that you will have access to some tools to help you dig deeper into scripture. So I will be adding a link each day to the Proverbs that we are on. The link will take you to the site blue letter bible. I hope that you will join me each day in reading through Proverbs.
A friend of mine says that she has gotten a real blessing by reading through Psalms at the same time as she reads through Proverbs. When she gets finished with Proverbs - she starts over - but continues on in Psalms until she is finished - so she would end up reading through Proverbs almost 5 times by the time she would finally get through the book of Psalms. I think that this would be a great idea. So I will also be adding a link to the chapter in Psalms for that day- so you too, can read both together.
She said it was very interesting how the chapters would compliment each other.
Proverbs 1
Psalms 1
A friend of mine says that she has gotten a real blessing by reading through Psalms at the same time as she reads through Proverbs. When she gets finished with Proverbs - she starts over - but continues on in Psalms until she is finished - so she would end up reading through Proverbs almost 5 times by the time she would finally get through the book of Psalms. I think that this would be a great idea. So I will also be adding a link to the chapter in Psalms for that day- so you too, can read both together.
She said it was very interesting how the chapters would compliment each other.
Proverbs 1
Psalms 1
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Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...