Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Just Peachy....part 2

So last week I found out that another lady that I know has recently been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. The good thing is that she is post menopausal - so that means that more than likely it has been found early enough and hopefully just the hysterectomy that she will be having in just a week and a half will take care of the cancer.

Remember ladies~ If you are post menopausal and you begin to have spotting or bleeding - please have it checked out - it is very important see your Dr. Bleeding after you have gone through menopause is a red flag warning and if you have it checked out soon - you are more likely to be able to just have a hysterectomy and not need further treatment.

It's weird - since I was diagnosed with having endometrial cancer almost 3 years ago - I have know 2 other ladies with the same kind of cancer. It is more common then you may realize. Breast cancer gets so much publicity - but there are many other cancers that are affecting women.

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