Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Beloved Names of God.... Potter


Beloved Names of God



But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay,
 and thou are potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
Isaiah 64:8 KJV
  • Name of God the Father
  • The comparison between God as Creator and the potter as a creator is made several times in the Bible, but God is addressed as the "potter" only once.
  • Human potters make useful vessels from he clay of the earth. In creating Adam from the earth, God could be described as the first potter.
  • In a vision, Isaiah foresaw times of tribulations for Judah and Jerusalem. Seeing cities destroyed and the people enslaved, Isaiah tells God they deserved it, but also pleads with Him not to punish His people endlessly. 
Life is full of change. We try to resist it, but often the greatest, most positive changes come from the most traumatic events; events that, given the choice, we would probably avoid repeating.
In a similar way we can theorize that the clay on a potter's wheel would probably rather stay in the ground. Instead, it is dug out, processed, shipped, sold, soaked, beaten, stretched, and manipulated on its way to becoming something useful- or perhaps even a work of art.
In our own lives, what we perceive as punishment often isn't. Like clay, the Potter puts us on His wheel of life and forms us according to the true purpose for which we were created. It may be a messy, difficult process, but we can trust our Potter to build us up to our full potential.

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