Monday, March 7, 2016

Getting Our Garden Planted

Ok - so this week end was a really good week for us to get some more things planted!
Sunday my husband built these two garden boxes:
If the first one we planted strawberries and then in the back on we planted some thornless blackberry plants.  
Here is a closer photo of the blackberries. We plan on buying one more plant and planting it in the middle.

Ok - I am not sure if these are called walking onions or multiplying onions. I will be talking to my Dad who gave me the onions several years ago and I will find out. When I do - I will update and let you know. Anyway Last year these onions were in a different garden box- well they ended up getting over taken by grass- really hard to pull grass and I was afraid that I had lost my onions. I was so thrilled last week to see that I had not lost them. This week end - we got a bit more soil to add to this garden box and did a little work on it and then transplanted my onions. I was thrilled to have come out with more than I thought I had!!
We think we are going to plant my cherry tomato plants on the empty side of that garden bed- gonna do some research and make sure there would not be any problems if we did that.

Last week end we planted some purple onion- something we love and always try to keep some on hand. 
We also planted some potatoes. This will be the first time we have ever planted purple onions or potatoes- so we are excited!

We have big plans next week so do a little work to get our big garden area ready - and we pray that it will work out this year. We have been wanting to get this area ready for several years now. So please pray that our plan will work and that we will be able to find some great dirt to bring in to fill in our area for our garden. Then we are hoping to be able to get our beans, yellow squash, okra, cucumbers and several more things.

I have a couple of garden boxes that I am going to plant some lettuce and spinach in.

Oh and the garden box that we took the onions out of- we plan to do a little work on it and then I am planning on using it as another herb garden- where I would like to plant - basil, cilantro, chives, and maybe more - I need to do some research.

My rosemary, oregano, sage and parsley came back from last year- well actually parsley is what I planted last year - the others I planted several years ago. My rosemary plant is a little out of control but I do NOT want to cut it back because I have ALOT of bees that are enjoying it. So I may plant another rosemary plant in my other herb garden. I am not sure though.

I do need to learn a little more about cooking with herbs- if any of you have any information or links to great places that I could learn more - I would love to hear from you. All the help I can get is what I need! There are so many sources and to wade through them to find the good sites with helpful information is sometimes overwhelming to me.

So today- and it looks like all wee - we are in for some rainy weather. We have already gotten a good rain and I don't think it is over for the day. So my garden got watered for freeeee!!! I like free! :)

Hope you all are doing well. :O)


  1. Gardening is so exciting! Herbs are wonderful to have on hand for soups and all kinds of roasted vegetables. I find once I have the herbs in the garden, I start noticing recipes that call for them. I can't wait to hear more about your walking onions!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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