Sunday, December 27, 2015

My Study Group and What's to Come

Last Monday was actually the day that ended my Bible Study group on the book "Steps to Christ" Most of the time throughout this 13 week series - it was just a new friend and I. As I shared - at first I was discouraged about it just being the one person. I had -had high hopes for the group. And although things did not go as I had thought they would, I still believe that God was in control. We were both blessed. And my friend is thinking of starting a group through her church(that is encouraging people to start small groups.) I am not sure if she would have felt capable of having a group if we had not studies this book for the last 3-4 months.

On our last meeting this quote was read in our last chapter. (If you are interested in reading the entire chapter- click on the link.) It ended up being a real blessing to me and I wanted to share it with you all just in case it could bless you too.  

"If we keep uppermost in our minds the unkind and unjust acts of others we shall find it impossible to love them as Christ has loved us; but if our thoughts dwell upon the wondrous love and pity of Christ for us, the same spirit will flow out to others. We should love and respect one another, notwithstanding the faults and imperfections that we cannot help seeing. Humility and self-distrust should be cultivated, and a patient tenderness with the faults of others. This will kill out all narrowing selfishness and make us large-hearted and generous."   SC121

At this point - I am not sure what my plans are - if I will start another study or not. I am going to focus on my family and such and wait on the Lord. If he wants me to do another study- He will make it clear to me. Please pray that God will lead. Thanks so much! :O)

If any of you are interested in looking at or copying out the study guides for "Steps to Christ" just click on this link.

A study that I am very interested in doing - maybe just on my own is from the book " Mount of Blessings. Click HERE for a link to the study guide for it.

Oh I am SO excited! I just found a study guide for a book that I just bought. The book is called " A Sanctified Life" Or click here for a study guide of the book!

So one way or another I will be working on both of these books/study guides- either with others or on my own. I hope you will check them out - maybe you too will be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your feelings about wanting a larger group--but you are right about "just one" being really important! And you never know what she will be able to go and bless others with because of her study with you. Remember Miss Clara in War Room! She felt that she wanted to teach and help one--and then told Elizabeth to go and teach someone else what she had learned!

    Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings sounds like a great next book to do! I have bought a copy of that book for myself, but have not read it yet. I have been wanting to do so--maybe I should do it next. . .


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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