Thursday, September 17, 2015

This and That Thursday

Attempt number two.... So yesterday evening my husband and I went and got gas in the gas can so that I could fill up the lawn mower. Well by the time we got home after Bible Study Class at church - it was dark so we did not even try the lawn mower. But this morning - I filled it up and tried to start it. I tried several times. Then I felt myself get frustrated because I could not start it. I decided to pray and ask God to help me. I said if I am suppose to mow help me get the mower going. If I am not suppose to then help me to be ok with that. Well I tried 7 times and I could not get it started. So I went and got my weed eater and hit a few of the taller areas of grass in the back yard. I am charging my battery and will hit a few more areas later today.

I spent some time filling up my birdbaths and cleaning my chickens pool and got them fresh water. I felt good to at least get a few things done outside. Maybe not what I wanted to do but I was able to get a few things done out there.

So yesterday I asked about what kind of shoes you ladies wear with your dresses. And I got two ladies that said that they loved Clark shoes. Well I wanted to share a bit of a blessing with you all. You know the kind of story that God knew what you needed before you realized what you needed. Well on Labor Day my sister and I went thrift store shopping. We hit 3 different stores. I found 3 things a nice(brand new tags on) black skirt, a nice pair of jeans and a pair of brown mary jane style Clark shoes for $7.99. I had thought it was a bit high but I had really wanted shoes in that style for quite some time so I got them. Now that I have researched Clark shoes- I realize that I got a great deal. Then today - after being told that I could find Clark shoes on Amazon and since we have Amazon Prime for at least a couple more months- I looked and found a pair of black Clark shoes- should get them next week! I am excited! I have wide feet and hoping that the shoes that I ordered will be the right size for me and will fit even on the width part. The ones I found at the thrift store - I can not tell what width they are but they fit pretty good. They could have been a bit wider though. Anyway I love when God takes care of a problem before I realized it was a problem. Another shoe that I would really like to check out is Keds- I would like to get a pair of the white canvas shoes - I am not quite sure if they have good arch support and good support over all- I am thinking at the prices that they run that they should be thought. I am hoping to have the chance to try some on and see how I like them. Maybe God will bring me a pair of them. I will keep my eyes open and maybe just maybe I will find some. If I do - I will be sure and get back on here and tell you all about it!
So apparently summer is still here - it is suppose to be up in the upper 90's today with heat index in the triple digits. I think for today and tomorrow. I am SO over this summer weather. I am SO ready for cooler weather. I was thrilled this morning after I worked in the back yard - when I went and sat on the back porch for a while- that I felt some cool breezes sweep past me. That was wonderful. I am really looking forward to cooler weather.
So gas prices around here have dropped below $2.00 a gallon. That is wonderful. I am so thankful. In the last day or so some of the stations have increased the prices again so I am thinking they are fixing to go back up. I sure hope not. It seems like things are so much nicer with gas prices lower. When you are not spending so much money on gas you can afford some other important things - like food.... lol
Well  better close. I am not sure I will be able to be on here very much this week end. I have lots of errands to run tomorrow. We have a family get together for our youngest sons 23rd birthday! We will also be seeing our granddaughter. And so we will be quite busy. So if I don't see you guys till next week - I hope you all have a great week end. See you next week.

Oh one more thing - On Monday morning will be the Ladies Bible Study Groups 1 real meeting to discuss the first chapter of Steps to Christ. Please pray that it will go smoothly and that the Holy Spirit will lead out and guide our conversations. Thank you so very much! :0)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found the Clarks. I usually don't spend much money on shoes, but I will spend extra for them, since they are so comfortable and last so long.
    Nita in SC
    PS I am still not a robot haha :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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