Sorry but I have a funny sense of humor. For some reason when I looked at my journal and noticed the $.89 price tag on it, I could not pass up using that as the title to this post!
Anyway I thought I had already told about my hope's, dream's and goal's journal but I can not find it, I really did not look very closely though so I may have mentioned it before.
I found this awesome journal at a local Goodwill store. And about the same time that I found it I came up with the idea of writing my hopes, dreams and notes of these things in my journal. That was the beginning of August. And as I opened this and read the first post and reviewed the contents- I realized that it was very important to have something like this. I think it is a good idea to write hopes and dreams - even the little ones. Here are just a couple of mine as examples:
*Have a nice concrete driveway put in
* I would like to learn more about English gardens and create a beautiful space in our yard with plants that will do well here.
As you can see that these hopes and dreams vary to all sorts of aspects of your life.
We have a few bills that I look forward to us having paid off. And in a section in my journal _ I have written - the bill and when it should be paid off. And it is very encouraging ever so often to look at that and be reminded that slowly we are getting the things paid off.
One reason for this section is because one of my dreams is to learn how to quilt. And I would like to get a building for our back yard to put the quilting machine in. And that will not happen until some of these bills are paid off. So that is one reason I am keeping on eye on these bill pay off dates. They represent the steps to being closer to having that dream accomplished. I am also hoping that maybe I can be good enough at quilting to maybe have a small quilting business here. But that is only if it is God's will- so first I need to see if I can even do a good job at quilting - then see if God opens the door in that direction.
So some important things to remember about having a Hopes and Dreams Journal:
Be sure to record those hopes and dreams.
Review them ever so often.
You can even draw things in your journal. I saw the cutest "Welcome" sign and so I drew a photo of it and hoping that some day I will be able to create it.
As you allow yourself to have hopes and dreams you will realize that you will have more creativity towards these goals.
It is neat to review these events ever so often. They will remind you that yes you are headed in the right direction. It shows you how God is working in your life. And the journey may be slow - but your journal will show that you are still headed in the right direction.
If you are anything like me - you have some dreams but because you don't write them down - you don't always realize they are hopes that you have and you are not able to work towards them. They become forgotten dreams. This is the main reason that I started this journal and will continue to review it.
Here is my Hopes and Dreams Journal.

I hope that you can find a pretty journal in order to begin the journey towards your hopes and dreams.
This morning I went to check out a local weather report and I was thrilled to see(FINALLY) see the highs only in the low 80's. We have been having upper 80's to lower 90's for quite some time now. I am ready for FALL - NOW!! So this is a great sign that it is one step closer!