Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Checking In

I have not intended to neglect my blog so much lately but we have been so busy. My husband is remodeling my Mother in laws bathrooms. And we decided that while she was at rehab. that we needed to get over there an do as much as we could to get at least one of the bathrooms finished. That way once we have a chance again - we can begin on the other bathroom. So we have spent a whole lot of time there putting in tile and grouting it. This evening after my husband gets home from work we will go and finish the grouting. And then we have a bit of texturing the wall to do - then paint and put the trim in. We were hoping to be able to be totally finished with that bathroom before she got home from the rehab - but it isn't going to happen. It looks like she will be getting home tomorrow afternoon. I really think that it would have been better if they would keep her at least a few more days but oh well.  I just pray that she is able to some what take care of herself. I am worried about it though. It is just one more thing to give God and trust that He is still in control.

I have continued walking - the last couple of weeks I have only gotten in about walking 4 days per week - but in the little over 2 weeks of this month I have gotten at least 16 miles of walking in! And I am very proud of that. Especially when I have been doing things like weed eating, mowing, working at my MIL house and all of that is extra exercise. It makes me feel good. And I am feeling better as well. Of course, from all the extra work - and not as much down time - I am tired - but having more stamina is good. And I can tell that I am working in the right direction.

Remember the exercise machine that I got last year? Well I have decided after July - I will be selling it. It is just too intense for me. I really need something like a treadmill that I can adjust the speed and challenge myself when needed - but that I can set a timer and walk for a decent amount of time at a time. The exercise machine that I have is awesome and someone who is in better shape than I am - will really benefit from it- I just can't use it for enough time to make it worth keeping around. The reason I am waiting till after July is that my Granddaughter loves playing on it. So I want her to have the option to use up some of her energy on it. Then come August we will be selling it. We are also planning on selling an antique couch that belonged to my husbands Grandmother. We really like it but we don't have any where to put it. And where it is - it does not work the way I would like it to work- I would much rather have some queen ann chairs there -

(photo borrowed from internet)
I would like to have 2 chairs so that I can put my pretty little table in between them and have a nice place to visit friends or do my quiet times sometimes. Anyway so that is another thing that we have going on.
This is the couch that we are going to be selling. This is an old photo - but it gives you the idea.
Well I better close. I am working on trying to get an idea of the projects that I have for Hailee to do next month. And trying to plan a bit of it - so that I am not overwhelmed when July gets here and she wants to do all sorts of projects. I have been lucky to be able to pick up little projects here and there - and I think that I have enough for almost every week day during the month of July! Anyway just trying to organize things and have an idea of what I have and how to best schedule things.

I hope you all are doing well. I hope that each of you have figured out ways to get add more exercise to your routines. Maybe a little walk here or there. Or parking further away from the store you are visiting. Or perhaps taking stairs when possible. Make little choices here and there that will end up being the best thing for you. When you make those choices- you will find yourself feeling better and better. :O)  

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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