Monday, September 2, 2013

Building Up or Tearing Down

So do you remember me telling you that my mother in law sent her Nuwave Oven home with us a week or so ago. She wanted us to try it out and let her know what we thought of it. Well we have tried several different things and have really enjoyed it! Well my husband thought it would be nice to invite his mother over today for Chicken Parmesan - one of the recipe we have tried and liked. So we had her come over and had her watch how we put the meal together. At one point while my husband was opening up a bottle of salad dressing- his hand was shaking and his mother asked him, why his hands were shaking...I wanted to freeze the situation and then unfreeze her and say, "because he has Parkinson's......remember?" But I did not. I did not say a word. I was too busy trying to fight back the tears. I mean seriously- what part of "Mom I have Parkinson's" did she not understand? And how insensitive can people be. I am already a person who tries to be careful with my words but after that happened - I think it is even more important for us to be careful with our words. We can build people up or we can tear them down - with just words.

Anyway the rest of the visit was very nice and I am glad we invited her over. I just hope that she can be more tactful in what she says to him in the future.

So my take away from this day is - do I want to build people up or tear them down? We each have the choice to make. Let's make it a good one.


  1. It is hard you know, some just do not want to deal with that situation, I know, my grand pa had Parkinson's,and some that we think of would be talking mean or forgetting ,I have come to realize while my grand pa was going through it, when they hear something like he /she who ever has Parkinson's they just put it out of there mind, block it, it is not that they are insensitive, it may be she just did not want to deal with it all,and blocked it out of her mind.
    Huggs, I know what yall are going through..

  2. I'm sorry! :( who knows. She may be in denial about what it really means. I understand, though, because of living with Austin and his challenges and seeing what relatives sometimes say about him. They really have no clue what some people struggle with on a daily basis. Hugs!

  3. Thanks ladies- I really appreciate your kind words. It is nice to know that my feelings are understood.
    Love you all~ Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

34: Real Bread and Your Blood Sugar