Friday, December 7, 2012

DRAWING NIGH to GOD..series..."A Renewed Mind"

"A Renewed Mind" 

"The world is a workshop in which, through the cooperation of human and divine agencies, Jesus is making experiments by His grace and divine mercy upon human hearts." 
Marvelous transformations in character are being wrought in God's workshop. His sole purpose is to transform sinners into saints. The only treasure that can be taken to the next world is character transformed into the likeness of Christ's character. How timely, then, is this admonition of the apostle Paul- 
"Instead of being moulded to this
 world, have your mind renewed, and so 
be transformed in nature, able to make
 out what the will of God is." 
Romans 12:2, Moffatt. 

When our minds are renewed, we will think as Christ thinks. (Philippians 2:5). A little girl who experienced conversion said to  her mother, "Now I'm gong to do whatever I want to." 
"No, dear," answered the mother. "Now you must do what Jesus wants you to do." 
"Yes," replied the child,"but from now on Jesus and i will be wanting the same things."
She was right. "If we consent, He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses."

"Be the home of my thoughts, O God,
When the enemy, same as now,
like a roaring lion stalks abroad,
When worries and fears and doubts
When friends thought true are found
to fail,
When storms are raging and strifes
When tares 'mid choicest wheat are
When cares of life are pressing sore
And problems loom, unmet before-
BE then the home of my thoughts,
Oh Lord;
The home of my thoughts, be Thou!
"Be the home of my thoughts, O God,
Nor permit them again to roam!
For as long as the devil stalks
In time of calm as in time of storm,
When blow the winds or cold or warm-
There's always danger apart from
And perilous insecurity.
May ever my thoughts on Thee be
In peace, where nothing can make
Till I reach Thy heavenly home,
O Lord,
Be here of my thoughts the home!"
_Pearl Waggoner Howard


  1. I love these posts. You are full of wisdom and share it well. It really touched me when I read that the only thing we take to heaven is our true!! I tell my children that I have never seen a U-Haul truck following a funeral procession.

    Much love to you!

  2. I love the part "From now on, Jesus and I will be wanting the same things." Even though a child may think this in the more selfish way, it is really a very deep thought. Am "I" so dead to self that I want only what Jesus wants? I pray that I will be this way!


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