Monday, July 16, 2012


I guess it is because I have always dealt with not have the ideal body(the one that the media says is ideal) that makes me totally relate to this photo. And so when I saw this great photo on Facebook this week - it really spoke to me. God created all of these fruits, just the way they are. And it is funny to me that someone wrote the different comments and such that we often say about ourselves. We need to remember that God created us and made us special. We are unique - no two of us are alike - well twins maybe.  But we need to learn to embrace our differences. Learn to love ourselves and value ourselves like God does. This is something I am working on myself. Those negative comments we say about ourselves do not do us any good, most of the time they bring us down.
This is a prime example of when the Serenity Prayer is very handy. 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

There are things about us that we can not change and we need to accept those things. But there are things about us that maybe we can change and we can ask God to help us with those things. 
But whether there are things about you and your body that you can or can not change - the first step is to accept yourself. And realize that God loves you so very much. So very much that he stretched out His arms and died on the cross for you! Love! :O) 

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How God Handles Family