Last year I read through the "Little House" books. It was fun, but not very edifying. It was entertaining and I was glad that I had done it. But I began to think that I wanted to be spending my extra reading time - reading things that were uplifting. That was about the time that I found the "special red box" with the "Steps to Christ" book. I began to read through it and was totally blessed. This will be a book that will be reread in the future. Well worth the time and very uplifting.

When I was reading "Steps to Christ" I was inspired to read through the "Conflict of the Ages" series. But before I began it - I had another book - "Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessings" and I thought since it was a little book - that I would read through it and so I did. It was another great book. Well worth the read!

Then it was time to start through the "Conflict of the Ages" books. This series basically starts in Genesis and works its way through the entire Bible - ending in Revelations -with the book "The Great Controversy."

I am so glad that I started with the smaller books, because these books have 600-700 pages in them. These books were written many years ago - from 1898 - 1917. It is a bit of a challenge to read them but as you read them - it becomes easier and easier.
I love to read books that draw me closer and closer into a relationship with Jesus Christ and that is exactly what these books do.
So this is my Reading Challenge - I will be reading through these books. I will be checking in ever so often to share gems that I have found or lessons learned. I will also share the progress that I am making as I move through these books. :O)
I am reading through the desire of ages, and a few chapters of Steps to Christ. Your post is an encouragement to me to keep on reading...