Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In Which My Son Kills a Snake

Well hello. Earlier I went out front and watered the few plants that still have life in them(not many) and my trees and crape myrtles. As I was walking from tree to tree, I noticed that there are a lot of bare spots in our yard. It is so dry that not only has our grass died but now there are areas that are bare. How sad..

Then this evening my son posts this photo on Facebook:

I called him and asked if they had found it there at the store that I work. Sure enough - it had been in our kitchen. And in the area that I work. I had heard that since it has been so dry that there are alot more snakes in places that they are not usually at. Well it is sure true -because my MIL has owned this store for like 17-18 years and we have NEVER ever had a snake in it before. I was thankful that they had a hoe and shovel there at the store - not too far away so that my son was able to get them and kill the snake. What an exciting evening for sure.

When I first saw the photo I could not see it very good and it really scared me. I mean seriously - I work at a metal table that is about 3 feet deep and has a shelve below - so from the ground to that shelf is about 6 inches or so - and PLENTY of room for a snake to hide. It also scared me cause we had thought that it might be a copperhead at first and I had thought about standing in that area just yesterday working.

Anyway we have looked it up and we believe it is probably a Ratsnake. They are aggressive, but not poisonous. Praise the Lord!! I am thankful for His watch care.

Today we are on day 64 of triple digit temperatures. I have written down the expected highs for the next 7 days - from 4 of the local channels. 3 of the 4 think that we will get at least 2 more during the next week. Of course the rest of the temps are in the mid to upper 90's.

Monday is Labor Day and it is thought to be the end of Summer but I am not holding my breath that the temps will go down that much. We have endured so much this year.

Right now there is a LARGE fire - 4,000 Acres have been burnt so far, 25 home have been destroyed - and many more are being threatened. My heart goes out to all those involved. It is SO dry out there that the fire just sweeps through. Those super dry leaves on the trees don't help the situation at all. It is really a surprise that we have not had more of these.

There are a couple of days during the next 7 days that there is a small chance of rain. Please pray that we get some rain - at least in the area of the fire and surrounding areas. Those fire fighters need some help.

Well I have really tried not to complain too much about this HOT summer. Seriously - complaining does not change anything so why bother. But ever so often I just need to inform those of you - not living in Texas - what it is like living here. I know I enjoy reading other people's blogs that tell about the area in which they live. Texas can be a great place to live but ever so often we get a summer like this and it is not fun. But Praise the Lord - it is almost over! :O)


  1. Praying for rain for you--and praising God for keeping the snake away from you while you were working, no matter WHAT kind of snake it was!

  2. Snakes and work don't sound good together :p How many times does our guardian angel keep us from being harmed??!
    It has been hotter where you are then further south. Amazing to me....yet we are parched also.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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