"We shall close these testimonies of men regarding the character and mission of Christ with the statement made by William Jennings Bryan: "Reared in a carpenter shop, with no knowledge of literature save Bible literature, with no acquaintances with philosophers living or with the wirings of sages dead, when only about thirty years old He gathered disciples about Him, promulgated a higher code of morals than the world had ever known before, and proclaimed Himself the Messiah. He taught and performed miracles for a few brief months and then was crucified; His disciples were scattered and many of them put to death; His claims were disputed, His resurrection denied, and His followers persecuted; and yet from this beginning His religion spread until hundreds of millions have taken His name with reverence upon their lips, and millions have been willing to die rather than surrender the faith which He put into their hearts. How shall we account for Him: Here is the greatest fact of history; here is One who has with increasing power, for nineteen hundred years, molded the hearts, the thoughts, and the lives of men, and He exerts more influence today than ever before."
Behold the Man pg 11-12