Monday, June 29, 2020
Another perspective of "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."
The simple act of blowing a blast upon the trumpet by the army of Joshua around Jericho, and by Gideon's little band about the hosts of Midian, was made effectual, through the power of God, to overthrown the might of His enemies. The most complete system that men have every divides, apart from the power and wisdom of God, will prove a failure, while the most unpromising methods will succeed when divinely appointed and entered upon with humility and faith. Trust in God and obedience to His will are essential to the Christian in the spiritual warfare as to Gideon and Joshua in their battles with the Canaanites. By the repeated manifestations of His power in behalf of Israel, God would lead them to have faith in Him - with confidence to seek His help in every emergency. He is just as willing to work with the efforts of His people now and to accomplish great things through weak instrumentalities. All heaven awaits our demand upon its wisdom and strength. God is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20.
Patriarchs and Prophets page 554
You can click above if you would like to go to the chapter that this quote comes from, but if you would like to check out this book from the beginning - click - HERE>
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Another one, really?
So I have shared with you all about the 2 different snake skins that I have found in my chicken coop - that were like 4-5 ft long. Well Thursday I saw a snake but thankfully it was not one of the large ones. This one was only about 2 foot long. He was laying next to the gate to our back yard. I had went out to open the gate so I could mow the yard- and once I had gate open and had stepped pasted him a foot or two - then I noticed him. Eeek! I chose to go the long way around instead of trying to step over him. He was not there when I went over this area with the mower. Thankfully he was not poisonous, but still scares me.
Thursday I spent about 4 hours or so working in my yard. I had ALOT to do!
Do you remember these beautiful flowers I planted last year?
Well lucky for me - they are coming back again this year!!!!
I was SO happy when I realized this!
There are a lot of exciting changes going on here at my house and I can't wait to share them with you all. :O)
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Victory in Christ ....series chapter 4
This book was such a blessing that I wanted to share it with you.
He Saves Me
Jesus loved me and died for me. Jesus was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven, and now lives as my personal Savior. In Him I have redemption, even the forgiveness of my sins. With Him I have fellowship day by day, as I live with Him and walk with Him. I recognize His presence with me, and I depend upon Him to keep me from doing anything contrary to His blessed will. I have surrendered to Him; I have definitely accepted His will in all things; and He fulfills His promises to me. In the joy and comfort of His love I go forward from day to day.
This is what I mean when I say that He saves me. I have not reached heaven yet, and it depends upon my daily choice whether or not I ever enter in through the gates into the city; but I know that I enjoy the blessing of present salvation through y acceptance of Jesus as the Lord of my life, and I trust Him moment by moment.
"Not for world would I exchange it,
This sweet faith in Thee!
Earthly treasure cannot equal
All Thou art to me."
I have found that "it is not enough to believe about Him; you must believe in Him." The difference may seem small- a mere change in a word- but it is vital. I can believe about Christ with my mind, but to be saved by Him, I must believe in Him with my whole heart. I am fully assured that what He has promised, He is able also to perform, and I yield myself that He may perform in me the good thing that He has promised. This is the basis of my Christian experience.
My effort is directed, not toward doing things myself, but toward not hindering Jesus from doing. My only fear is lest I should in some way lose my personally fellowship with Him, for I know that as long as that is fully maintained, He will take care of the rest. He will work in me "both to will and to do" (Philippians 2:13). if I say to Him from the depths of my heart, "Thy will be done." This is not a sentimental religion. This is not a life of selfish ease and enjoyment. This means complete devotion, and going about doing good; but it is no longer I that live, "but Christ liveth in me" (Galatians 2:20).
And so Jesus loved me, and died for me, and saves me. He loved you and died for you. Does He save you?
Monday, June 22, 2020
All men are of one family
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized by God. He is the Making of all mankind. All men are of one famliy by creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple, that every soul may have free access to God. his love is so broad, so deep, so full, that it penetrates everywhere."
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Angel Encamped Where!?
"The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them."
Friday, June 19, 2020
Open His Eyes and May Our Eyes Be Open As Well
This is what I pray for the police officers and all those dealing with the protesters/rioters- that God will send an army of angels with them and that they will feel the presence of and if necessary see the army of angels with them. I also pray the the protesters/rioters will realize that hate and destroying things is not the best way to bring about change. And maybe they can adopt the Motto “Let it begin with me.” Repaying evil for evil- especially when you are repaying innocent lives -is wrong.
Be sure to go to 2 Kings 6 and read the whole story. It will bless you.
When we are scared and feel alone may we have eyes to see that we too, have an army of angels around us!
Come back tomorrow when I will share another precious promise of what the Angel of the LORD will do! :O)
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Don't Be A Roadblock....
Yesterday I drove past a church that had a "Welcome Back" sign above their front doors. It got me thinking- I sure feel sorry for those individuals what have not been going to church in a long time and because of all the signs of the times want to go to church now. Will they be welcomed with open arms or will they be turned away because they don't meet regulations set in place... in Bible times there were some groups of people who set up all sorts of regulations to try to "protect" the law that many were turned off and not able to hear the Gospel. I sure hope we do not fall into that trap...just another way the adversary uses to divert the ability to lift Jesus up. Because by lifting Jesus up - people are drawn to Him! Praising Jesus for ALL He has done and continues to do to draw us to Him. May we not set up roadblocks, discouraging others not to seek after Him is my prayer.

Saturday, June 13, 2020
Victory in Christ...series...chapter 3
This week we will look at chapter 3 of our book Victory in Christ. May you be blessed as I have been blessed by this book.
"Yea, living, dying, let me bring
He Died For Me
Jesus Himself has told me this. He has put this assurance in my mind and heart: He "loved me, and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). My iniquity was laid upon Him. He bore my sin. He died in my place. He laid down His life for me, as if I were the only one to be redeemed.
"That He should leave His place on high,
And come for sinful man to die,
You count it strange?~ So do not I,
Since I have known my Savior.
"Nay, had there been in all this wide,
Wide world no other should beside,
But only mine, then He had died,
That He might be its Savior/
"Yea, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace, from this spring,
That He who lives to be my Kind,
Once died to be my Savior."
I have found that "it is not enough to believe about Him; you must believe in Him." The difference may seem small- a mere change in a word- but it is viral. I can believe about Christ with my mind, but to be saved by Him. I must believe in Him with my whole heart. I am fully assured that what He has promised, He is able also to perform, and I yield myself that He may perform in me the good thing that He has promised. this is the basis of my Christian experience.
My effort is directed, not toward doing things myself, but toward not hindering Jesus from doing. My other fear is lest I should in some way lose my personal fellowship with Him, for I know that as long as that is fully maintained, He will take care of the rest. He will work in me "both to will and to do"(Philippians 2:13), if I say to Him from the depths of my heart, "thy will be done." This is not a sentimental religion. This is not a life of selfish ease and enjoyment. This means complete devotion, and going about doing good; but it is no longer I that live, "But Christ liveth in me" (Galatians 2:20).
And so Jesus loved me, and died for me, and saves me. He loved you and died for you. Does He save you?
Monday, June 8, 2020
A Bit of a Catch Up Post
I needed to get on the computer to check out some information and take care of some business so I decided to jump on here for a few minutes. First of all, I need to say I am sorry that I have been missing in action lately. So much has been going on and I have been working hard to get caught up on some things around the house that I had let slide. I had really enjoyed volunteering but had let it consume too much of my life. And although I am sad that I have had to take a leave from volunteering, it has really been a blessing. I have been working through some of the feelings of working in a bit of a hostile environment - the last couple of weeks - due to differing opinions on wearing masks all the time. And since I do not feel it is healthy for me to wear one all the time - I am taking break till that requirement is lifted. But let me tell you I have yet to come to a point of not having anything to do. There are plenty of things to do to keep myself busy!
By the way yesterday my granddaughter and I found another large snake skin in our chicken coop. The second one in the last month. My son was here when we found it thankfully because he was able to help up gather the skin and check it out. It felt very silky in areas- I am thinking it was quite fresh. My granddaughter knows to be aware of her surroundings when she is in our back yard and the chicken yard. I am very aware as well. A 4-5 ft snake is NOT something I want to encounter.
I have been working hard to keep my garden weeded. This year we bought a roll of black cloth that helps block the weeds and put it down under where we put our new flower bed in - in the front yard and also the walkway. We had pulled out some big tall bushes and put a walkway to our porch there instead. It looks really nice. But once we moved those big bushes - we also had to replace the 2 windows behind them so they would match the rest of the house. The other windows are like about 8 years old or so - the windows are not exact matches but they do look nice.
We were really wanting to get a bigger swimming pool for grandkids- I say that plural because our younger son will be getting married in less than a month and she has 2 sons. So we will have 3 grandchildren! Of course all the decent priced pools are sold out or wont get to us till August...and since our son will have his daughter during July we want a pool by then. So we are working on ideas of what we can do. And I think we have a great plan. Can't wait to share it with you once it is done.
Summer has already arrived here in Texas - it is already hot outside and I am having to water my garden more often. I have set up a schedule so that I will not forget when to water. I want to keep my plants alive and doing well.
Did I tell you all that I have been able to go to church the last 2 weeks? It is not my home church- it is another one in the area. I have been SO blessed. It is good to worship the Lord in His house!! I am SO thankful for being able to watch online - but after a while it just seems like it every other day - when I do that. Going to church and worshiping God with fellow believers really helps me feel like it is Sabbath. I am thankful to this ability! It has helped me tremendously!
Well I better get off of here- I have lots to do! See you soon. Hope you all are doing well!! :O)
By the way yesterday my granddaughter and I found another large snake skin in our chicken coop. The second one in the last month. My son was here when we found it thankfully because he was able to help up gather the skin and check it out. It felt very silky in areas- I am thinking it was quite fresh. My granddaughter knows to be aware of her surroundings when she is in our back yard and the chicken yard. I am very aware as well. A 4-5 ft snake is NOT something I want to encounter.
I have been working hard to keep my garden weeded. This year we bought a roll of black cloth that helps block the weeds and put it down under where we put our new flower bed in - in the front yard and also the walkway. We had pulled out some big tall bushes and put a walkway to our porch there instead. It looks really nice. But once we moved those big bushes - we also had to replace the 2 windows behind them so they would match the rest of the house. The other windows are like about 8 years old or so - the windows are not exact matches but they do look nice.
We were really wanting to get a bigger swimming pool for grandkids- I say that plural because our younger son will be getting married in less than a month and she has 2 sons. So we will have 3 grandchildren! Of course all the decent priced pools are sold out or wont get to us till August...and since our son will have his daughter during July we want a pool by then. So we are working on ideas of what we can do. And I think we have a great plan. Can't wait to share it with you once it is done.
Summer has already arrived here in Texas - it is already hot outside and I am having to water my garden more often. I have set up a schedule so that I will not forget when to water. I want to keep my plants alive and doing well.
Did I tell you all that I have been able to go to church the last 2 weeks? It is not my home church- it is another one in the area. I have been SO blessed. It is good to worship the Lord in His house!! I am SO thankful for being able to watch online - but after a while it just seems like it every other day - when I do that. Going to church and worshiping God with fellow believers really helps me feel like it is Sabbath. I am thankful to this ability! It has helped me tremendously!
Well I better get off of here- I have lots to do! See you soon. Hope you all are doing well!! :O)
Saturday, June 6, 2020
"I Use To Be Perfect"
Do you read the Bible " violently"?
"This one stinketh."
If you are interested in what these mean, please watch. Well worth your time.
Do you read the Bible " violently"?
"This one stinketh."
If you are interested in what these mean, please watch. Well worth your time.
Victory in Christ...series...chapter 2
Chapter 2 of our great book - Victory in Christ - which was originally written about 100 years ago or more. Be blessed
He Lived For Me
Jesus took the same flesh that I have. He met the same temptations that I meet. He voluntarily made Himself just as defendant upon a power outside Himself as I am, in resisting temptation. He demonstrated that it is possible for one as weak as I am, to be obedient to God's holy will, through the grace provided.
He was cruelly misunderstood, yet He refused to approve the least departure from a strictly upright course. Against the dark background of selfishness and sin, of hypocrisy and self- righteousness, which characterized His time, He set forth, in His personal conduct, the law of self-denial and of self-sacrificing love. He was what He taught.
He lived a truly human life. He became weary, just as I do. He became thirsty when walking in the heat of the day, just as I do. He required sleep to refresh His physical frame after a day of toil, just as I do. He required food for His body, just as I do. He differed in no way from me in all these respects. He was my brother in the flesh.
And yet He was the Son of God, one with the Father from eternity, through whom the worlds were created, and in whom all things cohere. Before He visited this world as the Son of Man, cherubim and seraphim were His willing servants, and angels were the ministers of His will. He was with God, and He was Go. He was at home in the majestic, glory of heaven.
What is the explanation of these apparent contradictions of His being? It is found in the simple fact that He lived for me. Only one who is more than a man could become the representative man, the epitome of the race, and could not only assume human nature, but could gather up into Himself every individual member of the human family, and could become my personal representative, and live a life which could be set down to my account as if I had lived it myself, if I accept my place in Him.
This is the true meaning of justification by faith, or being accounted righteous by the acceptance of the life lived by another. It is not a mere theological doctrine, an article of the creed. It is an actual transaction, by virtue of which a life of righteousness is substituted for a life of sin in response to faith. "If you give yourself to Him, and accept Him as your Savior, then, sinful as your life may have been, for His sake you are accounted righteous. Christ's character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned."
I shall not try to explain this wondrous provision, which furnishes such a ground of confidence for my personal salvation, further than to say that in it "mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other" (Psalm 85:10) .
I have accepted the life that Jesus live for me. He satisfies my need. Have you accepted His life?
"O that my Savior were your Savior too!"
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