Thursday, February 20, 2025

I've got a secret to share... part 7

 Have you ever been on a diet and fell off the wagon? I have, more times than I like. Well today I am going to share a little secret that just might help you be successful in the future. 

Lifestyle, it's about a lifestyle. Now I know I've shared before about the fact that when we make changes that it is more successful in the long term when it's not just a diet but a lifestyle. But I missed an important fact that I finally figured out. And it, I believe, is the secret!  

It's to focus! Every time in the past I started eating better and exercising and I was really focused on losing weight. Sure, I was enjoying all the benefits of doing those things - feeling so much better, sleeping better, thinking better, etc. But my main focus was on losing weight. By this point you may be asking why would that be a problem. Well, I am glad you asked. The reason why having weight lose be the main focus is that when you hit a plateau you get discouraged and fall off the wagon. You feel discouraged because you have worked so hard to lose weight and since you aren't, why should you even bother. 

Here is the secret, when your focus is on your health- there is no diet wagon to fall off of! You are feeling better, thinking better, sleeping better, your blood work is improving and so many more benefits and weight lose is just a happy bonus. So, when you get on the scales and there isn't the expected weight loss you remind yourself- I've made these important changes for my health and for all the benefits. I am not going to let 1 little thing throw me off course. Yes, you may feel discouraged for a bit but believe me when you are able to reason with yourself it really helps. 

Another important thing at this moment would be to pray for help- help in refocusing on your health and wisdom. Sometimes there could be elements of a healthy lifestyle we have left out. Maybe we are staying up too late and our bodies are struggling to repair itself. Maybe we have neglected exercising. God will give us insight into what we need to do if we will ask. He will also give us strength to keep focusing on our health and not fall off the wagon just because we are not losing weight. We don't fall off the wagon because we are not on the diet wagon. 

We are making healthy choices to properly take care of the bodies we have been given. 

 Don’t you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit? The Spirit is in you, and you have received the Spirit from God. You do not belong to yourselves. 20 Christ has paid the price for you. So use your bodies in a way that honors God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Stand Firm part 6

 Many of the verses and quotes that I have shared over the last several weeks have been things that I have really felt were worth pondering. And as God was leading me along, I was able to see how they fit in the journey that I am on. This verse was no difference. 

Towards the middle of January, I read through this verse again and I realized that for me it was talking about food. But before I delve in deeper about that I want to share another little testimony that goes along with this freedom theme. 

In 2011, I believe it was, I figured out that caffeine was not something for me. Many times, on Sabbath especially, I would end up with a bad headache. I would figure out that it was because I hadn't had a Coke- so I would drink one thinking that the headache would go away but it wouldn't. I was tired of dealing with that headache and decided to give up caffeine. This ended up a true blessing because just a couple of years later I would be forced into menopause with surgery and found out that caffeine is known to make hot flashes worse. I was thankful that I had listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to give it up years before.  

Fast forward to now and this food issue, when I eat a whole food plant based diet, I feel SO much more at peace about food in general. This is not the case when I ate a standard American diet (SAD). I seemed to be driven to eat more and more. Many times, just a couple of hours or so after eating I would experience hunger and knew I shouldn't be hungry yet. It's called toxic hunger- it what happens when the highly processed food moves out of your system, your body begins to get withdrawal symptoms. You can read more about "toxic hunger" in Dr Joel Fuhrman's book the "End of Diabetes" chapter 4. It's a powerful chapter that can change your life, it changed mine. 

Up until the past couple of weeks, I would not have said I was addicted to food, but now I will admit it. When I ate the SAD diet, I was addicted, and it was so hard to be healthy and lose weight on that diet. But God can and will set us free!! This verse tells me that the wrong kind of diet can be and is a yoke of slavery. God has set me free, and I am to "Stand firm" in His power and strength. Praise the Lord!! 

 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 
John 8:34-36

Thursday, February 13, 2025

You have circled this mountain long enough....part 5

 When I first saw this Bible verse several years ago, it really spoke to me. I wrote it on an index card and placed it on my mirror.  I felt there was a deeper meaning for me. I continued to ponder this verse. 

There have been several times when I have decided to eat better and take care of myself better but then something knocks me off the path. But one day in January after all the changes I've made in my life, I was looking at the index cards on my mirror and read through this one and all of a sudden it hit me. THIS IS what God was trying to tell me with this Bible verse. I had tried here and there to change my lifestyle to live healthier, but I hadn't let Him lead. I had circled the mountain but now He wanted me to go North- North being- Follow Him- and following Him for me meant to make all the changes in my life needed for better health, giving up the meat, dairy, sodas, processed sugars and processed foods. And by the way I have not given up bread. I make our own bread using freshly milled flour. I am using only minimal oil. And eating heathy fats like nuts, seeds, olives and avocados.

I am SO thankful that I finally allowed God to guide me to make the best choices for my health. For several years I read this verse and pondered what it meant for me, and now I know. I had circled the mountain long enough. It was time to turn to God!   

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

God Can Rebuilt and Restore part 4

 Many times, we run to things other than God to try to soothe the hurting places in our souls. You know the things I'm talking about, those things that are addictive. We think these things are helping but really, they are just numbing our senses and distraction us from the pain for a bit but sadly the results of these additions only make things worse, because then we have the consequences of our addictions plus the guilt. 

The quicker we come to realize that only God can rebuild and restore the better off we will be. 

God loves us and wants what is best for us and if we will just surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to guide us, we might just be shocked at where He will take us. I know I am!

December 22, I made the decision to make my health a priority. Little did I know what this would mean. 

On December 25 I began to read "Plant Powered" by Kim Murphy 

As I read a section on meat and dairy, I learned that they contain a lot of estrogen and contribute to many cancers including endometrial (which is what I had removed in 2013). And I made the decision to give meat and dairy up. Now this is BIG! I was a vegetarian till I was 11 so giving up meant for me is really not a big deal but never in my life would I have guessed that I'd give up dairy. And a bigger miracle and blessing is I am totally ok with giving them up. I feel SO much better when I eat healthier. I sleep better too. 
God doesn't as us to give up anything that would be a benefit. It is best to put in our bodies that which He created in order to give our bodies what they need. Our bodies will work best with the proper fuel. 

God will do amazing things when we allow Him to rebuild and restore you. It still totally shocks me where He has taken me over the last month. Praise be to God!   

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Milestone or Moments? part 3

I am very slowly working through Beth Moore's "Breaking Free" study. It has a real blessing, but can be a bit heavy at times since  you are working on dealing with your past and trying to make God's truth, your truth. 

In one of the accompanying video's with the study Beth Moore said:

 When I heard this phrase - I had to pause and write it down. This is very important information. When we set goals, we need to work through the many temptations that will come our way. Asking God for help when temptations come our way is our best defense. Then praising Him for helping us and giving us the victory. We can make it to our milestones! God is there every step of the way. Every temptation He will provide a way out. 

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will provide the ay f escape, that you may be able to endure it." 

1 Corinthians 10:13 

I've got a secret to share... part 7

 Have you ever been on a diet and fell off the wagon? I have, more times than I like. Well today I am going to share a little secret that ju...