Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Almost 3 Month Check In, Plus a Bonus Tip!

 Good morning sweet friends~ I do hope you all are doing well. Things around here have been very busy with trying to get the garden taking care of along with all the normal happenings. 

I don't have a lot of time but wanted to write a quick update with you about how things are going with me. on the 22nd it will be 3 months into my new lifestyle and things are going great. I have lost 27 pounds as of today. And I am very pleased with that. Especially since I am not having to starve myself in order to lose the weight. Plus I am feeling better and having more energy. 

I wanted to share a little tid bit on losing weight that I remembered this week. Way back in about 2000 a friend of mine was doing the Jenny Craig diet program. She told me that they were told to eat an orange every day. And 25 years later it just pops into my head. now I love cutie oranges (Bella's at HEB) they are so yummy so I usually eat those or grapefruit about every day. Love them both! Anyway so as I was trying to remember what weight loss program it was - I found some interesting information on oranges and their link to weight loss: 

New Study Suggests Oranges Are The Ultimate Weight-loss Food

The study found oranges reversed the symptoms of obesity 

by Yo Zushi published: 11 September 2020 

"In a recent study, researchers at the University of Western Ontario introduced nobiletin- extracted from oranges- to the diet of morbidly overweight mice. Not only did the flavonoid reverse symptoms of obesity in test mice, but it also reduced the harmful build up of plaque in their arteries, known as atherosclerosis." 

This was not the whole article- just a quote I found very interesting and helpful for us all. 

I just love how throughout my life God has brought me all sorts of great information to help with better health. And let me tell you there is SO much false information out there about what is good for our health. When I hear new health information - I always filter it through the Bible. God gave us our Bibles as a love letter from Himself -written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And in the Bible He gives us some great instructions. I also keep in mind that God created so much great food for us to eat and when diets try to tell you not to eat the things that God created for us to eat - I know it is NOT a diet for me. God created our bodies and He knows what is best for our bodies. And when we eat what He created for us to eat our bodies are able to run so much smoother. 

I hope that if you don't already eat nourishing foods for your body that you will make a decision to incorporate more healthy foods into your diet. And maybe drink some more water. 

So almost 3 months in and I am SO very thankful that God led me to make the choices I have made. They are the best choices for my health and well being and I am enjoying seeing the benefits of the choices I have made. And look forward to where these choices will take me. 

May you be richly blessed! :O) 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Benefits of....Connection With God

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives.
Our final installment in this series - certainly not the least important of the list.

Connection With God

Prescribed dose:

"Evening,  and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice."
 Psalms 55:17. God desires to have a moment by moment connection with us.

Additional recommendations:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. IN all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6. God is the author of all life, the Creator of every living thing. He understands all the intricate details and functions of his creation. (Revelation 4:11) We are creatures created by God with limitations and inabilities. There are times in life when we find ourselves perplexed, troubled or distressed and we are unable to solve our own difficulties. We need God's help. and He willingly pours His grace out upon us.
We also need God for personal growth, for healing, both physical and emotion, and for wisdom and direction. We connect to God through prayer, meditation, the study of His word, and through fellowship with His people. Connecting with God is more than a mere act or performance, and goes beyond "doing" all the spiritual disciplines or trying to be "good." Connecting with God is about a relationship that develops through multiple experiences with God over time. Being good is a result of this relationship, not a requirement for it. God becomes "real" to us as we experience Him in daily practical life. He is no longer a distant impersonal God, but a close friend who knows every detail about us and yet still loves us unconditionally. We become transformed by His love and we radiate with His presence.


  • Reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Physical wellbeing.
  • Mental stamina and endurance.
  • Direction and guidance for difficult situations.
  • Spiritual growth.
    Comfort in loss, sorrow and bereavement.
    Unconditional love and acceptance.
  • Truth in God's word which provides structure for daily living.
  • Grace which is God's unmerited favor towards us.
  • Forgiveness.

Possible side effects:

In an attempt to connect with God, one may miss the mark all together and develop a "form of godliness," that denies or hinders the true power of God working in the life. (2 Timothy 3:5). True godliness is reduced or exchanged for a lifeless performance that excludes real character growth. Symptoms include: spiritual pride, self- righteousness, judge mentalism, critical of others, backbiting, gossip, intolerance for human mistakes or frailty, the disease of perfectionism, adhering to principles without real growth in the life, double living; saying one thing and doing another, hiding deep secret sins in order to appear righteousness in the eyes of people and the list goes on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives.



Prescribed dose:

Adequate nutrition needs to be taken in through food daily.

Additional recommendations:

Nutrients are chemical substances found in food that have a specific function in the body like, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins minerals, fiber, and water. Malnutrition can occur if the body doesn't get an adequate daily intake of these necessary nutrients. Nutrition should be obtained from fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Animal products are not required for good nutrition to be obtainable. Fruit and vegetables alone may not contain enough nutrition due to depleted soil, and nutritional supplementation may be necessary, but supplements must never take the place of food.
When asleep the body is in a fasting state and breakfast is the first meat of the day that breaks this fast, as the work "breakfast" itself implies. The breakfast meal should be hearty and well balanced to provide the body with sufficient fuel to function efficiently during the day. Breakfast should never be skipped.
Eating two meals a day is better than eating three, but if a third meal is needed, make it a light small meal of fruit and grain eaten several hours before bedtime, so that the food will be completely digested before you go to bed. Avoid overeating, eat at regular times, eat balanced meals, and always eat slowly and in a relaxed unhurried state. Chew your food thoroughly and mix it with saliva, this is the first phase of digestion. "drink your solids and chew your liquids," is a good rule to remember for good digestion, this simply means that a solid food should be chewed to a liquid state before swallowing and a liquid food should be mixed with saliva before swallowing. 5-6 hours should elapse between meals for complete digestion of food. Ray foods eaten along digest within 2-3 hours. Don't eat in between meals, no snacking on crackers, nuts, chips, or cookies; this also includes gum, candy and juice. Water is excluded and can be taken in between meals throughout the day. Always remember, "You are what you eat."


  • Sufficient energy production.
  • Cells properly nourished.
  • Mental stamina.
  • All body systems able to function properly.
  • Body heals and fights infection better.
  • Healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Possible side effects:

Over indulgence of that which is good. Too much of even good food can be harmful to the body.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Video I Promised

Here is the video I meant to share last week. There is a very important key to losing fat in this video- 
and just so you don't miss it I will share it with you now. In order to lose fat easier - it is important to exercise before you eat. Be sure and watch the youtube video so you can understand the reason, so you understand why this works. 
And another secret I want to share with you- sadly I forgot where i got this information -but eating dark green leafy greens will help pull fat out. I will look and see if I can find where I read that and share it in another post. Dark green leafy vegetables are so good for us - so it is very worth making the effort to add it into your diet! 
These are 2 helpful things to help you lose fat. Too many diets out there might have you losing weight quickly - but trust me - many times you are losing muscle instead of losing fat. The sad thing about that is that muscle helps you burn more calories which helps you in the long run. Plus, we need our muscles, especially as we age. 
I hope you learn a lot about things you can do to help yourself achieve better health. Be blessed! :O) 

“Rules of Engagement” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 10 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath! I hope you all are blessed. :o)